The old Royal classic in the attic

Royal classic

The old Royal classic in the attic

It was hot in the overstuffed attic. Brady was about to give up, but then he saw the box up against the far wall. It was old and covered in dust. Maybe this was the one. He hoped so. He didn’t want to spend the whole day up here. His grandpa had been uncertain which of the boxes held the old family albums. However, he was certain they were in the attic. Somewhere.

After pulling the box away from the wall (and dodging several undignified spiders) Brady bats away the worst of the dust. When he opens the box, he finds the old photo albums. However, he finds something else as well.

The Old Royal Classic

Back downstairs, he sets the old photo albums aside, for the moment. Then he sets the old case he found, on the table. He can tell what it is just by its shape and weight. As he unlatches the case, he feels a strange sensation rush over him. It isn’t uncomfortable. In fact, his mind registers it as a mild tingling through his hands.

Royal classic

With this in mind, he opens the case, exposing the old Royal classic manual typewriter. He feels a sense of age old wisdom, as his eyes take in the old machine. It appears to be in pristine condition, although it looks very old. Brady gently presses a key or two. He watches the striker keys rise and fall. How strange that he would find this in his grandpa’s attic.

A few days later (and well away from the hot stuffy attic) Brady has an idea. He decides to incorporate the old Royal classic into his work. Well, he decides to use it to do his work. Brady is a column writer for one of the bigger newspapers in his city. In fact, it was one reason he was searching for the old photo albums. He was working on an old history piece for the newspaper.

The Attic Discovery

That was how all this started. That is why Brady is feeling a little stressed at the moment. It wasn’t the overnight success, or the almost insatiable demand for his work, that was creating the tension. Indeed, all of that was unexpected and still taking him some time to get used to. However, his dilemma was the frightening way in which the things he wrote, came to be.

As Brady waits, he thinks back about how everything changed the minute he started using the old Royal classic manual. Actually, it took a couple of weeks for the effects of the changes to happen. First Brady won a couple of unexpected awards. Next he was asked to produce some private work, for which he was paid extremely well.

From there things sort of snowballed. All the while, Brady kept working with the old Royal classic typewriter. In fact, he became accustomed to the old machine. Although it was decidedly old fashioned, it was also wholesome and very basic. It seemed the more Brady used the old typewriter, the more connected they became.

The Royal Classic News

This is when things got strange. Furthermore, Brady was the first to see it. The things he would write about, began to come true. Of course he thought he was going nuts at first. So he called his old friend Harrison. They had been friends since the days of grade school.

Royal classic

With this in mind, he needed some grounded, and logical, advice. If anyone could help him get his bearings it would be Harrison. Additionally, Harrison is an artist. Therefore Brady knows he will understand.

It is a sunny afternoon. The breeze has picked up, and Spring will be arriving soon. Brady is waiting in front of his building. Harrison should be here soon. Meanwhile Brady is watching the street while he waits. From his left he can see a darkly clad figure moving along the sidewalk, toward him. He feels, rather than sees, a brooding malice from the approaching form. In fact, Brady now feels the urge to run.

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