The outlaw’s new bluff with Butterbeans

outlaw's new bluff

The outlaw’s new bluff with Butterbeans

Butterbeans is crouched low and her fur is standing. She is ready for the ghostly form to make its move. The air in the old mine shaft turns cold. Butterbeans knows it’s a trick of the outlaw ghost. She stands her ground, and prepares to defend her friends. When the ghostly form begins to move toward her, she decides to chase it first. Therefore she bolts forward and barks her fiercest warnings, and then….


It is bright and the sunshine is strong and warm. Butterbeans is standing outside in the sunlight. She turns and looks behind her, then all around. Additionally, she is trying to pull the many scents from the air. There are many, because there are people, walking all around them. Although she feels confused she is more concerned with the person in front of her.

She remembers him from the dinner party with Emily Kate and Jared. This is the outlaw Jack Seevers. Furthermore, he is standing in front of Butterbeans, very much not a ghost, and in the middle of the town. However he doesn’t act as though he sees her at all. In fact he is looking to and fro, in a nervous way. Then he turns, and starts walking quickly away from Butterbeans.

The Outlaw’s New Bluff

She follows him. Likewise, she remains ready for any sudden moves, or surprises. The town is busy, and Butterbeans can tell these are all people from the distant past. She can also sense they cannot see her. She is as invisible to them, as they are visible to her. Therefore she follows Jack Seevers the outlaw closely.

outlaw's new bluff

With this in mind, she isn’t sure how this is happening. At this point she is operating on instinct. Although she knows this is not real, she also knows it is a reality. Somehow her standoff with the bandit Jack Seevers has brought her here. And now, here is the entrance to the saloon. Butterbeans follows the figure from the past, through the saloon doors.

She continues to follow him as he makes his way to the back room of the saloon, where there is a door. As it turns out the door leads to the cellar below, and from there, another door that leads to the mines. The outlaw is very careful and continues to check over his shoulder every few seconds. Butterbeans follows him through the tunnels of the mine until they reach a particular door. The bandit checks over his shoulder once more, and then operates the padlock on the door.


Alex chases after Butterbeans. He pushes through the doorway and runs down the stone corridor after her. The tunnel descends toward another series of tunnels. As he reaches a juncture he isn’t sure which tunnel Butterbeans went through. He uses his tracking tablet to locate her GPS tracker on the map. As he studies the dots he hears Butterbeans barking fiercely up ahead.

He takes off through the tunnel to his left. He is positive that is where he hears her. The sounds of Butterbeans savage barking echoes all along the tunnel. Alex sprints forward, and within seconds finds his friend. She is in her fiercest form and she is charging forward. There is a dark menacing energy in front of her, and Alex is just in time to see his friend leap right into it.

outlaw’s new bluff

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The outlaw’s new bluff with Butterbeans

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