The passage of time with Butterbeans


The passage of time with Butterbeans

The ancient temple exudes extreme age. Alex is impressed with how well preserved the structure is, given its age. They had crossed the empty field leading to the entrance. He had arrived a moment or two later, after Butterbeans.

The temple is pyramid shaped. However, its sides are stepped upward, rather than smooth. The old stone entrance way is large. There are strange carvings, and other peculiar things, embedded in the stone surrounding the entrance. Alex is unfamiliar with any of the images or strange shapes.

They enter the temple cautiously. Alex thinks back on the things they have learned. They met the strange beings that inhabit this underground world before they came here. Now they are fleeing. It is important to stay ahead of the special agent. Furthermore, the special agent made his intention clear with an attempt of destruction on the eternity gate.

The Passage of Time with Butterbeans

Butterbeans is the first, into the large chamber just beyond the entrance. Not only is she excited but also she is eager to find what they are here for. She is happy they are exploring again. This place is old. Therefore, it has no scent of anything recent. Indeed it had the scent of long ago. Something long buried, and recently unearthed.

With this in mind, she decides to start with the outside edges of the large chamber. Not every scent here is old and ancient. There is something else. It is tantalizingly vague. Butterbeans almost believes she is imagining the small wavering scent. But she knows better.

The passage of time with Butterbeans

Along the edges of the chamber she finds the scent of welcome. However they are here to search for the way out. Not in. Butterbeans feels satisfied with her coverage of this corner. Now she moves to the one opposite where they entered. She had known there was no going back through the gate. In fact, the special agent had broken the gate.

Butterbeans knows the ones who made the gate can fix it. However, they are trying to help her and Alex. Furthermore, it is starting to look like they have more to worry about from the special agent, than they ever did with the strange beings of light. Therefore, Butterbeans feels determined to find their path, before it is too late.

Time Passages

Alex feels certain that they are in more danger than they were before. The fact that the special agent is unable to immediately follow, is only a temporary setback. For the agent and the agenda. Alex and Butterbeans need to find the passage. According to their friend, there is a way around using the eternity gate.

Alex thinks on the gate, and all the implications of what it means. He had not thought they would discover such things below level 113. In fact, when he thinks back to just the day before, they had thought level 113 was the final level. Now they are searching through an old temple further below. One that is all but lost, in the depths of time.


Butterbeans begins to yip excitedly from across the large entry chamber. Alex knows she has found something. As he crosses the chamber, several large booms of sound come from just outside the entry. Alex knows it is the special agent, and he is closing in on their location. He hurries to where Butterbeans is signaling. He feels a sense of relief when he sees that she has indeed found their passage home.

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