The Pawn Ticket – Found en passant

The Pawn Ticket - Found en passant

The Pawn Ticket – Found en passant

Tucker is stunned. He knows where he is, but still thinks he’s dreaming. Blinking seems to be real and he does. The vehicle is quiet and the driver who saved him is also silent. Tucker had felt alarmed and scared back at the office. Indeed, he had been on the verge of a panic attack. However, he doesn’t think it compares with how he feels now.

His fear and sheer shock boil over, and he blurts out all that comes to mind immediately. However, the best he can do at the current time is simple questions. What the hell? He is able to clearly say. Therefore he does, several times, before he can regain his composure.

The pawn ticket – Found en passant

The driver expertly guides the SUV onto the interstate. At speed. Tucker still feels dazed. But the motion of the SUV, is bringing a sense of normalcy, back to his state of mind. He notices from the signage they are heading north. Why north, he wonders?

The Pawn Ticket - Found en passant

Furthermore, what in the hell was the deal with this pawn ticket? He checks his jacket pocket for the pawn ticket. It is safely tucked inside. Now the odd sense of relief returns. Never once does this strike him as unusual. He returns to gazing out the front windshield.

The SUV, joins the interstate traffic now and Tucker remains quiet. The man driving the SUV calls himself Jenson. Tucker suspects this is an alias. Jenson has said that They are here to help.

They. He remembers the shadowy forms appearing from the dark alley last night. Furthermore, he can still hear the sound of the shots from the gun. Five of them, putting a stop to the running man. He shudders.

Tucker isn’t sure what to believe at this point. He would be willing to believe he is dreaming this. Except for being at work just a little over an hour ago. Furthermore this is happening as though he, Tucker is connected. Along with the pawn ticket. Yet the agents had told Patty they, “wanted the pawn ticket“.

En Passant

Nothing makes any sense at this point. He looks at Jenson, about to ask why the pawn ticket is so important, as they are struck savagely from behind. The SUV shakes and bucks chaotically. The impact slams Tucker back in his seat. And he fights to stay conscious. Jenson fights with the SUV.

Miraculously, Jenson saves the vehicle, and keeps it moving. Tucker holds on for all he’s worth as he struggles to keep conscious. The impact had been severe, as well as unexpected. Jenson is on his phone. He makes the report that they have been tracked and located. And he is insisting they need backup.

Now Jenson is yelling for backup. The SUV has another collision. Chaos ensues, and Tucker takes that power nap after all.

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