The pawn ticket – How Benoni did it

The pawn ticket - How Benoni did it

The pawn ticket – How Benoni did it

Tucker wakes up with a start. He is no longer in a vehicle, but laying down.This realization brings him to his senses and quickly, he does a mental once over of his being. He feels relief, as he confirms his wholeness, with no extreme pain.

With this in mind, he sits up and looks around. He is in a hotel room. Alone. He checks his pocket for the pawn ticket. His relief is overwhelming, as he discovers it is still in his pocket. He understands he is as much a part of it, as it is a part of him, now.

Furthermore, he understands instinctively, that he is in trouble. Absently, he traces his finger along the edge of the pawn ticket. Not for the first time he wonders what the ticket unlocks. Was it still there?What could it be, considering the nature of all he has already endured.

The pawn ticket – how benoni did it

Similarly, his thoughts pool around one nagging problem. Why him? Furthermore, was it planned? He looks around the room again. Now he feels a little uneasy. Where was the guard? Or kidnapper, or secret agent? Tucker isn’t missing the drama, but he was no longer interested in out of the blue surprises.

The pawn ticket - How Benoni did it

He remembers the man’s name is Jenson, as he gets up, and crosses the room to the window. Outside the hotel, it is raining. They must be in a busy area, because the hotel parking lot is full. He is currently several floors above the ground. Therefore, his view is unobstructed.

His sense of unease deepens. Where the hell was Jenson? Also where the hell is he? The parking lot below is becoming crowded, and Tucker thinks they are at least somewhere active and busy.

Unexpected contact

Then, he sees Patsy looking up at him, from the parking lot below. She is under an umbrella, but it is unmistakably her. Furthermore, she is looking directly at him. Chills race up Tucker’s spine as she motions to him. She is signaling him to call her.

Tucker has no phone. In fact his was lost sometime after he exited the cab. As he watches Patsy, he sees a dark SUV pull up close to where she is. Tucker screams for her to watch out, but his voice rebounds against the heavy glass of the hotel window. Patsy appears to be oblivious of the danger.

Unable to contain himself, Tucker bolts from the room into the hallway. He had to try and warn Patsy somehow. He scouts the direction of the elevator, and, feeling panicked, sprints toward it.

Velvet Glove

Jenson watches Tucker looking out of the hotel window. He is not surprised and hopes Tucker will remain visible for an extended time. It was important if his plan was going to work. Their best hope was to take the fight to Renwell. The Rook division, was already swarming the area. All Jenson needed was one small piece of intel.

He was confident they would be able to clear the area, once he had what they needed. Jenson watches, as the Rook division makes its play. They are using one of Tucker’s former co-workers to entice him outside. Furthermore, it’s working.

Jenson signals his team. This is what they had anticipated. Time to move, before more of the Rook division, joined the party.

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