The pawn ticket – King’s gambit

The pawn ticket - King's gambit

The pawn ticket – The King’s gambit

Riley slams on the brakes. He is the team leader of C team, and he has just witnessed the dispatching of team B. He pulls the wheel hard to the left, and orders his squad out. They were going to have to do this the old fashioned way.

Riley was once special ops. He is used to following questionable orders. When Renwell briefed them on this mission, the only drawback Riley worried about was Jenson. They should have used both teams simultaneously. He sees that now, as he watches the first two of his squad fall. Damn.

He ducks low, as he crosses the distance between the vehicles. The highway is deserted at this time of the evening. Therefore, the only light, is from the headlights of their SUV. Riley moves quickly. Low and fast. His only chance now was to out-flank Jenson. His time was getting shorter by the millisecond.

The pawn ticket – kings gambit

Jenson is clearly getting too old for this. He removes the clip from the gun and tosses it. There would be more. And soon. He turns to check on Tucker. The man is out cold in the front seat of the SUV. He appears to be uninjured. However, there was no way for Jenson to check at the moment.

The pawn ticket - King's gambit

Behind him he hears another SUV come in fast. They are undoubtedly more of the same. Where was his backup? He thought he had been clear on how dangerous this could get. If they lost the pawn ticket, they would never get another chance.

Jenson turns and moves toward the incoming hit team. They would know he was involved by now. Furthermore, he is sure that Renwell has ordered this business. With this in mind, it seems the best way out, is through. It takes him seconds to clear the first two. They were rookies. He doesn’t think the next two will be so easy.

On the Move

In fact, he couldn’t be more right. He is able to surprise one of the attackers. However, the struggle lasts far too long. The fourth attacker is able to out flank Jenson and land a blow squarely on the back of his head. Jenson very nearly goes down. Stars explode in front of his eyes and he swoons slightly.

The attacker moves in to finish, and Jenson takes his chance. He moves with a speed uncommon for a man of his years. A moment later, and the attacker is no longer a threat. Jenson looks around at the scene. They have been on the side of the road for some time now.


The backup arrives. Just in the nick of time, he thinks, and he quickly makes his way back to Tucker and the pawn ticket. They are moving again within three minutes. Jenson knows Renwell’s reputation. Furthermore, he will double down on the pursuit now. Considering what was at stake, it was a given.

Therefore, he decides they can no longer afford to take chances. He checks his phone, and dials the number. They were too far in to turn back now.

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The pawn ticket – King’s gambit

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