The Pawn Ticket – The Knight Moves

The Pawn Ticket - The Knight Moves

The Pawn Ticket – The Knight Moves

The taxi moves swiftly down the street. Tucker is intent on examining the strange pawn ticket. As he does he marvels at the events that have brought him to this point. Not even twenty four hours ago he had been running for his life.

He gazes out the side window and muses that he was still likely running for his life. The traffic is heavy today, and the cab slows for the thickening traffic. Tucker looks at the pawn ticket again, trying to find any distinguishing marks that indicate its importance.

He is perplexed and intrigued as he stares at the gold embossed ticket. He can’t help but wonder what it …

The Pawn Ticket – The Night Moves

The rear of the cab is struck with a powerful force. Tucker is vaulted backwards and then catapulted into the seat in front of him. He lands sideways jambed between seat and floor. He hears the driver curse then the door open.

The Pawn Ticket - The Knight Moves

Shots are fired next, and Tucker quits trying to sit up. Instead, he shrinks further down as more shots echo through the interior of the cab. With pent up breath he listens intently. Then the rear passenger door bursts open. Tucker jumps and scrambles backward.

“Easy there friend, we are not enemies, but we need to get a move on. The real enemies are on the way.”

The stranger reaches in a hand to help Tucker up. Additionally he checks the surroundings at the same time. Clearly something was happening. Tucker was still trying to process his backseat acrobatics. This new information was not easy to absorb, quickly.

“Let’s Move Now Tucker!”

Tucker jumps again from the loudness of the words but the effect of hearing his name gets him moving. Therefore he grabs the outstretched hand. Then he is free of the cab, and stands on the open road. The stranger moves quickly and beckons Tucker to follow. They are moving toward a dark SUV at the rear of the cab.

Knight Moves

Now Tucker feels some doubt and slows his pace. Who was this stranger, and how does he know Tucker? As far as Tucker can tell he has never met this person. He checks his pocket for the pawn ticket and discovers it is there. He feels that odd sense of relief again.

“If you want to live, you need to Move Now Tucker, Let’s Go!” The stranger holds the passenger door, of the SUV, open for Tucker.

Tucker decides he wants to live. Furthermore, he has every reason to believe this stranger is here to help. He runs to the open door of the SUV. They are moving away from the cab moments later. Furthermore, it would appear Tucker is now, fully in the game.

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