The Pawn Ticket – The Rook’s Distraction

The Pawn Ticket - The Distraction of the Rook

The Pawn Ticket – The Rook’s Distraction

As it turns out Jenson was right along. Not only had he been right, but also spot on with his prediction. He waits for the stunned man to get in the SUV and then shuts the door after him. Tucker appeared to be holding up well, considering his world was coming undone.

Jenson hurries to the driver’s side of the SUV. They had mere minutes now. Maybe less. He gets the machine moving away from the ruined taxi, and the retired bad guy. It was going to be close but there was nothing to be done but move. Quickly.

Within minutes they were on the freeway and moving fast. Away from the pawn shop. Jenson knows the next group of rogue agents will be at the pawn shop, soon. If they weren’t already. Furthermore, he knows they know nothing of him. He was intent on keeping it that way.

The Pawn Ticket – The Rook’s Distraction

Tucker sits quietly in the passenger’s seat . The man is eerily quiet now, and Jenson wonders if he’s in shock. Indeed, it would be understandable. These were not every day events. Moreover, the Pawn Ticket was not any ordinary ticket.

Jenson takes the split in the highway that will lead them north. In fact, they have an appointment. Well, Tucker has an appointment. Consequently, Jenson had been recruited to help Tucker keep it. With this in mind he increases the speed of the SUV.

The Pawn Ticket - The Distraction of the Rook

It wasn’t smart to keep the Rook division waiting. He had warned them years ago about the importance, and therefore the danger, of what they were seeking. He had wasted his breath and furthermore had known so.

Now, another one has been selected, and he sits in the seat next to Jenson. The Rook division was supremely more interested in the why of the selection not the how. They had many things worked out already. However, time was short, and their enemy determined.

Jenson glances at Tucker again, he is becoming concerned with the man’s silence. This time Tucker glances back, and in a panic, blurts out a string of questions. He’s on the verge of a panic attack and that is the last thing Jenson needs right now. He tries to calm the irate and confused man.

Rook’s Distraction

Jenson decides to try introducing himself. It’s not much but he hopes the normalcy will ease the shock of the situation. Tucker stares at Jenson. Clearly the wheels are turning in Tucker’s mind, and things are sinking in.

This is helpful because at that moment they are slammed from behind. Jenson tries to hold the vehicle on the road, as the truck behind them moves to strike again. Jenson thinks with some rue, that he is now fully in the game. Tucker is no longer alone.

Previous Story: The Pawn Ticket – The Knight Moves

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