The Phased and Confused Neighbor

The pahased and confused neighbor

The Phased and Confused Neighbor

Mr. Stephens was cranky today. The neighbors had been at it all night, again! With all the banging and shouting, he hadn’t slept a wink. This made fifteen nights in a row, and it was time to get some peace!

The apartment building at 1113 Clevenger Street was an old building and it was built at the turn of the century. Larger than most buildings on Clevenger Street, it had a private entrance that made it unique among them.

The Phased and Confused Neighbor

An old cage elevator was located at the back of the building allowing Mr. Stephens easy access to the street below.

He uses this entrance to exit the building and walk the two blocks to the post office. At least it was quiet here. After checking his box and retrieving the daily delivery. It’s back to the apartment to prepare for the night’s activities.

Mr. Stephens lives in apartment 313, and lately the neighbors in 314 have been inconsiderate, to say the least. He had made up his mind that tonight he would make some noise of his own.

Phased and Confused

Over the past two weeks he had written three letters to the building super, and slipped them under the office door. He had even written a note to the noisy inconsiderate neighbors, and slid it under their door.

That was yesterday. Last night’s festivities had been the worst yet, he hadn’t slept. The sleepless nights were beginning to take their toll. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Mr. Stephens was determined to get some rest. A nap before the fun began, might help. He puts all the items he has ready for the night, on the table by the door. For easy access, in case he oversleeps.

Fifteen minutes later, he’s back up pacing the floor. He’s so exhausted it’s a given that he would oversleep and miss his one chance to get his point across to those noisy neighbors. Best to stay alert until the battle was done!


Two hours later the first loud bang echoes through the apartment! As if on cue, it is followed by a loud thudding that twangs his very last nerve and he snaps! He runs to his door and opens it wide, and then slams it with all his might!

The banging stops. Mr. Stephens holds his breath and waits on pins and needles, as the seconds tick by. Did they finally get the message? He waits, relishing the peace and quiet. Then another loud bang against the wall shatters his calm state and he howls with frustration, as he rushes to the door, and pulls it wide open.

He stomps to the neighbors door and bangs loudly against the door. The banging and bedlam from within the apartment stops again and Mr. Stephens waits impatiently for the noisy tenant to answer the door. After a few minutes and no response he bangs again, very loudly this time! More time passes with no response.

He begrudgingly returns to his apartment and slams the door behind him as he enters. A loud bang against the wall turns him immediately around. This time he grabs the wooden chair by the door, and carries it into the hallway. Then he flings it down the hall toward that accursed 314.

The chair hits the wall of the hall and rolls noisily for a few more flips, before coming to a rest in the center of the hallway. Mr. Stephens turns and stomps back into his apartment and slams the door behind him! That should send a very clear message!

Construction superintendent’s

office 1113 Clevenger Street

A temp worker sits in the chair opposite the construction superintendent and tries to explain again. It isn’t easy, and he wants to leave this building before any more weird shit happens.

The Superintendent calmly reassures that the building has been abandoned for decades, therefore, uncommon noises were part of an old building settling.

The temp worker reassures that doors opening and slamming on their own, were frightening. Chairs that appeared from nowhere and flew down hallways were too much. But it had been the loud mournful screams, and the ghost stomping down the hallway, that had scattered the remaining crew.

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