The real rice Krispy treat

The real rice Krispy treat

It is a simple creation from the past. Light and crispy, with just the right balance of sweet. It is possible to purchase this snack already made. Several brands of snack makers offer a version of the rice Krispy treat.

However that is not the one for today. This treat is still in several pieces waiting for the pan to heat up. Furthermore, the real version of this desert snack is homemade from scratch. (Is there any other way?)

With this in mind, there is a good reason to choose the homemade method for this snack. Not only is it imperfect, but also imperfection is what makes it so wholesomely good! Furthermore, it’s simple.

The real rice

While it’s true that almost everyone has the ingredient list memorized, including it here will add to the available places it can be found! This recipe is the original rice krispy treat recipe. Therefore, it is the very basic original ingredient list:

  • (1) 10 oz. package (about 40) JET-PUFFED marshmallows
  • (3) tablespoons of butter (salted)
  • (6) cups rice Krispies

Preparing is easy, and begins with preheating the pan. I’m not sure about anyone else but 3 table spoons of butter has never seemed like enough butter. However the ratio is almost perfect when the butter has melted in the pan.

The real rice Krispy treat

An even and consistent heat is the best balance of melting marshmallows to melting butter. It is a deliberate process, the heat is lightly and consistently bringing the marshmallow to a melting point. A state in which a perfect blending can happen!

Krispy treats

This is when the Krispies go in. It’s possible to drop the 6 cups in one dump. However this can also create a large clump. Clumps are hard to get out! Furthermore with six cups of Krispies on top of a layer of molten marshmallow, the mixing will be irregular.

One tried and tested technique is adding the Krispies a little at a time. When the container of Krispies is down to a quarter full, the rest can be dumped into the buttery, marshmallow, Krispy mixture. And vigorously stirred.

Finally, the mixture is spread evenly across a non-stick cookie sheet or parchment paper. Not too evenly, and easy on the mashing. When the mixture is cooled, cut into squares and enjoy. That is a traditional take on a classic recipe!

Have a favorite variation of this recipe? Comment and share below! Don’t forget to like, share and follow on social media, and thanks for reading today!

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