The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

The rain is falling harder. Eileen finishes up for the day. It is later than she planned. This means she is on the verge of being late to her next appointment. It isn’t that punctuality is better, it’s just the faster way to finish it sooner. And today, she needed it to be sooner.

Eileen is a physical therapist. However, on most days she travels to her patients. Most of Eileen’s patients are older and have difficulty traveling to an office. Therefore, she does the traveling. As she loads the last of her gear, she struggles with the umbrella. The winds are brisk, and they tug and pull the umbrella.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

As she opens the door to her car, the lightning flashes. Immediately afterward, thunder booms, mightily. She gets behind the wheel without a second to spare. The interior is warm and dry. Additionally it is very quiet. So, for a moment, she lets her mind wander.

She is still remembering the conversation with Mr. Thomas. It had taken an unpleasant turn at the end. However, it wasn’t a common topic that she discusses with her patients. In fact it was only because Mr. Thomas had been a patient for over two years that she trusted him more than most.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart

Eileen pulls out of the driveway and sets her navigation map to auto. The rain hammers down and she can barely see through the deluge. Therefore she sets the defroster on maximum, and turns the windshield wipers on high. She will help Mr. Thomas. Her instincts aren’t calm but they aren’t feeling alarmed about it either. Yes, she would help him.

Eric’s Room for rent

Eric was meeting the fourth one today. He hoped this would be the one. However, he hadn’t anticipated the indecisiveness he would feel. They had all been polite. Except the third one. The gentleman hadn’t said a word and had left the same way. Eric didn’t think it would work out.

The room was a guest room over the detached garage on his property. He didn’t need the extra space so he decided the extra income wouldn’t be a bad idea. With this in mind, the search for a tenant hasn’t been the best. He has an appointment this afternoon to show the room. Maybe this will be the one.

The appointment is for later that day. Furthermore, it is with a lady by the name of Emma. Eric is hopeful from just talking to Emma on the phone. She seems polite and well grounded. He made the appointment almost right away.

Jupiter’s Heart

Five minutes ago he received a message from Emma that she would be early. Therefore, he feels astonished when he answers his door and discovers Emma standing there. Not only early but also sobbing uncontrollably.

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