The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Arrangement

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Arrangement

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Arrangement

Aileen parked her sedan close to the entrance. She hadn’t anticipated being here at all, not to mention very long. Indeed, this is ordinarily something a family member would experience. She starts the car and lets the motor idle. As she waits, she tries to get her head around the fact that Mr. Thomas is gone.

The news came early this morning. Furthermore, she was here now, at the request of the hospital administrator. The administrator is also a friend.


With this in mind, it is with curiosity and bewildered care, that she looks over the large envelope. The envelope is full. Of something. Additionally, it is addressed to Aileen. Not only by her full name, but also her complete mailing address. Aileen felt stunned when she received the call. However, it is nothing compared to how she is feeling now, as she stares at the sealed envelope.

For two years she took care of Mr. Thomas. They were not close, but they were not strangers either. In the course of their time together, Aileen learned that Mr. Thomas had a family. It must have been long ago. In all their time together, Aileen never met any of the older gentleman’s family. In fact, she couldn’t remember having seen one picture of them. It had always struck her as odd. She looks over the mysterious envelope again, and decides to open it now.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Arrangement

Jupiter Davis is in the kitchen of their home, and she is planning the best dinner of all time. She is getting everything ready. Furthermore she has been planning this, all day, since early this morning. That is when the doctor’s office called. That is when Jupiter’s suspicions were confirmed. Consequently she has been in a state of nervous excitement all afternoon. She still doesn’t know how she is going to tell Benjamin.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Arrangement

In fact, she is having trouble talking with him about more than a few things, these days. Last week, when he arrived home with a bruised and swollen face, she felt alarmed and questioned him intensely. However, he became withdrawn and sullen, and refused to answer any of her questions. Since then, the event has hung between them like a damp blanket.

The News

That is why she feels so positive and happy, to share the wonderful news with Benjamin this evening. Surely the news that they will become a family, is something they can build on. At the very least it might help remove this space between them. Jupiter feels her face redden as she thinks of how happy Benjamin will be. Her mind goes back to all their long talks about the family they will raise together.

This was one of the reasons she felt so drawn to Benjamin during their courtship. She places the dinnerware on the table and arranges it, just so. Having everything ready and perfect, for the most perfect news, was her hope. Jupiter smiles, as she decides how she will tell Benjamin. Therefore, with the final touches complete, she is feeling confident and prepared when she hears the sound of their car in the driveway. Benjamin has returned. Jupiter checks the mirror briefly, before going to the door to greet Benjamin.

The Arrangement

It doesn’t take long for Eric to realize sleep is unlikely. Also he understands better, now, why the news was so difficult for Emma. He hadn’t known of her estrangement from her family. In fact, he was certain there was much more to the story, than Emma shared. However, they were becoming more comfortable together. Similarly, he knew they could be a good team. And in the meantime, he is still down one house.


Although he made some progress, it wasn’t in ways that explained what the hell happened, to his house. Furthermore, he is learning there are connections he knew nothing about. Yet he expected this. In his mind, it was a given that there would be hidden agendas, cover-ups, and a plenitude of red tape. Therefore, he and Emma had an arrangement now. Likewise, it is the arrangement Eric is thinking about, as he falls into a restless sleep.

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