The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Catalyst

Jupiter's heart

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Catalyst

Jupiter Davis was an only child. Her parents were world travelers. In her early years she remembers always moving just when she got used to where they were. Her dad wasn’t military. Although she can empathize with the lifestyle. Therefore, she learned at an early age not to become too attached to places and people.

There were always the usual promises when they left an area. They would promise to write and stay in touch. And they would write, or call, for a short time. However, it never lasted. Sometimes her parents would make plans and begin the process, before Jupiter even knew things had changed. This was her life until she went to college. In fact, college is the first place she ever felt like calling home.

With this in mind, she remembers meeting Benjamin the year before she went away to college. He saved her life, after all. Therefore, she had a pretty solid connection with him even before they came to know one another. After college, when she and Benjamin became more serious, they spent most of their time together. By this time Jupiter had formed a bond with Benjamin. The first bond she had ever known in her life.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Catalyst

The night that Benjamin was so late returning home, is a standout memory in Jupiter’s mind. Nothing happened. In fact Benjamin had been vague and dismissive. Apparently his boss Mr. Stephens, had kept him at work into the late evening. Jupiter knew Ben wouldn’t lie to her. However, because of their bond, she knew he wasn’t being truthful either.

Jupiter's heart

What happened that day? Furthermore, in the weeks since that day, Ben changed. It wasn’t a bad change or a drastic turn around. But he was different in other ways. Sometimes she would catch him staring off into space. He was distant in other ways too. Subtle ways. And often she would catch him looking over his shoulder. Nervously.

On one of these occasions she asked him what he was so worried about. At first, she wasn’t sure he heard her. Then he changed the subject, and that was the last time she ever saw him look over his shoulder. Now six weeks later and their little family has also bonded. The twins are growing so quickly, and Benjamin got a promotion in his job. Everything appeared to be fine. However, Jupiter couldn’t help but feel worried. Her intuition was on high alert that not everything was how it appeared.

Out of Sight

Benjamin was feeling the stress. It hadn’t gotten any easier. Not the part with Mr. Stephens and the goons. He had taken care of that. Not in any traditional way either. However, it worked out for the better. Although, there were extenuating circumstances. And he was dealing with these. Additionally he was trying to keep everything away from Jupiter.

Since the day Mr. Stephens fired him, he has pretended his job was the same. Jupiter had no idea what happened, and Benjamin wanted to keep it that way. There was no need for, her to know he had taken over the entire company. However, very soon, there could be no more secrets.

Jupiter’s heart

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Jupiter’s heart

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