The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Crossroads

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Crossroads

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Crossroads

The year is 1949. The Great War is falling further behind in the pages of history. The world has changed. In some cases worlds came to an end. However, that isn’t the focus, as an entire generation begins the slow process of healing. Benjamin Thomas is one such youth. In fact he is a prime example of the industrious youths in those days.

Having come of age after the end of the war, they were too young to enlist or volunteer when the great call had gone out. Therefore, they set their sights on other areas of importance. For example, logistics and large scale building projects. The war effort had seen the rise of an age so sobering and devastating, it would take years to even begin recovery. Much less achieve it quickly.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Crossroads

This bright and sunny afternoon Benjamin Thomas is at the crossroads. He arrived here with his small rural family. His older sister and his mother are inside the corner store, while he helps his Pa with the motor carriage. The afternoon has been busy with chores. Furthermore, the seasons were changing, and the holidays would soon arrive. Benjamin could sense his parents determination to get ahead of the season.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Crossroads

Therefore, he makes every effort to help his Ma and Pa. They live further away from town in an area dedicated to farming. Once their family had been farmers, but that was before the war had changed everything. As Ben holds the gas nozzle in the tank opening, he sees a very intriguing young woman exit the store, and walk toward a waiting motor carriage. She is quite lovely as she walks toward the parking lot. Furthermore, she appears to be deep in thought and distracted.

As Benjamin watches her, he thinks it must be something in the bag. She is looking down into the bag intently. Indeed, she appears to be so focused on whatever is in that bag she doesn’t even see the on-coming traffic. Or that she has walked into the road. Benjamin’s heart rate leaps upward and he lets go of the gas nozzle.

Benjamin is off like a shot. He shouts as he runs toward the girl. She is directly in the line of an oncoming truck. Although she hears Benjamin cry out, and looks up from the distraction, she is still in mortal danger. Then Benjamin is there, and jumps with all his might. A moment later and they are tumbling into the shallow ditch beside the road. The truck is roaring past with a blaring horn. However, Benjamin and the girl are safe.

touch of grace

Benjamin gets up and then helps the young lady regain her feet. She is disheveled and rankled, but otherwise okay. As he stares, Ben notices the young lady has the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen. In fact he is so profoundly struck by this enchanting young woman, that he has completely forgotten how to speak. However she has no such problem.

“Well, that was a close one! I hadn’t realized where I was…if not for you, well..things could’ve been bad…” the young lady looks around and then looks back at Benjamin. For his part, Benjamin is still lost in how utterly beautiful this young woman is, and how he feels drawn to her beyond all his understanding. She gives Benjamin a stunning smile, that ultimately seals his fate and captures his heart immediately. Then she sticks out her hand and introduces herself,

Hi, my name is, Jupiter Davis, nice to meet you!”

Turning point

Emma folds the papers and places them back in the envelope. It would be a difficult conversation but a necessary one. She puts all the papers and letters back in the box and closes the lid. It would be dark soon and she expected that Eric would return before then. Emma is glad that he accepted sharing this place together. She was eager to help him, as he had helped her not too long ago.

Emma is still contemplating how she will handle her own looming dilemma, when Eric pulls the car into the garage below. She hopes he was able to find out what mix-up created his dilemma. For her part, she was hoping they might have an enjoyable evening becoming better acquainted. The low stress kind.

As she puts her things away, Eric enters the room. She can tell right away his day was not great. Furthermore, she is caught off guard, as Eric places a stack of papers on the table and looks at her with friendly eyes, and a small smirk.

“Boy do we ever need to talk, Emma. You might want to sit down though, this is a game changer.”

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