The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Doubletake

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Doubletake

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Doubletake

Benjamin Thomas parks his car in the third row. At the end of the row. It was going to take longer to get to his desk now. Additionally, he would be that much later than he already was. All he could hope for now, was to avoid the boss, Mr. Stevens. However, he knew that would only delay the inevitable. Since the arrival of the twins, Ben has been late every single day.

Benjamin feels a moment of panic as he thinks about the twins. Had he remembered everything before he had left this morning? His mind races through the details of his morning with Jupiter, and the twins. He feels certain he remembered everything. He is still trying to adapt to their new normal. They certainly hadn’t expected twins. However, they felt great joy for their blessing.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Doubletake

With this in mind, Ben left for work. He is remembering the way little James Abner was napping peacefully, when he left for the office. Little Mary Elizabeth, was wide awake, and watching her mother with quiet wonder and fascination. As Benjamin lingered at the door, Jupiter insisted that he get going before he was late again. He did, and he hurried, however it was too late by the time he reached the office. Now, as he makes his way to the doors of the building, he sees Mr. Stevens, standing there waiting. Ben had been worried about this.

It is late in the afternoon when Emma returns to the apartment above the garage. She has arrived before Eric, and therefore has time to adjust to what she is seeing. However, that still isn’t going to help Eric much when he arrives. Emma parks her car and gets out for a better look at the new additions.


Starting next to the road, and stacked in a line are six shipping containers. They are stacked one atop the other. It is a line of three containers, stacked two high, in a row. The sight of the containers is so strange and out of place, Emma had to be sure she was at the right address, when she arrived. Now, as she looks toward the end of the driveway, she sees Eric slowly pulling in. She can tell by his bewildered expression he knows nothing of the containers.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Doubletake

As Eric pulls up to the garage he looks quizzically to Emma and raises his eyebrows. Emma understands immediately, and gives a slight shoulder shrug indicating her confusion as well. She can’t help but think of the old saying, the plot thickens, as Eric steps out from the car. Furthermore, she has some unusual discoveries to share with him. And as per their arrangement it is confidential. As Eric steps from the car he looks at the shipping containers and then back at Emma. As their eyes lock they both speak the same words at precisely the same time. – “We need to talk.

What goes around

Eileen is returning from the post office. And she sent the package. Now she is done with Mr. Thomas and his strange requests. In any other circumstance she would have ignored everything. It was none of her business what other people did with their time. However, she had promised. Furthermore, she had promised to do it no matter what happened to Mr. Thomas.

Indeed, when she thinks about it now, she can almost believe Mr. Thomas had known what was ahead. Furthermore, the way he made her swear she would follow through. No matter what became of him…well, she did. And now it’s done. All of it. Eileen parks in her driveway. The car idles, as she sits, and remembers back. She can still hear the utter love in the old man’s voice, when he would speak of Jupiter Davis. Complete and utter love.

The Pawn Ticket Redemption

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