The Retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Essence

The Retrieval of Jupiter's Heart - Essence

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Essence

Benjamin parks the car at the park. His mind is still reeling from his brief, and final, encounter with Mr. Stevens. He decides a walk might help take the edge off. He feels lost, and extremely worried. There is no way he can face Jupiter yet. How could he ever explain to her that he has been fired. He strolls along the edge of the park watching the activities of the other park visitors. Although he is worried, his mind keeps returning to the confrontation with Mr. Stevens.

Furthermore, he tries to remember any detail that might help explain why this happened. The day is hot for early spring. So he loosens his tie, and walks closer to the shade of the trees. Within minutes, he loses himself in his thoughts. His feet carry him along the path. His mind races. What will he do? What can he do?

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Essence

Benjamin thinks about the twins. They were a new family, and now things were looking very grim. With this in mind, he tries to think of where he can find a job. Especially on short notice. This would not be easy. Furthermore, he is now debating whether he should mention it to Jupiter. Maybe it would be better if he remained quiet. Also, would it matter, if he already has another job?

The Retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Essence

Lost in his thoughts, he doesn’t notice the two men behind him. In fact, the activity around him, and his own worries, have all his focus. Therefore, he feels surprised when the two men approach him from behind. There is one on either side of him, and they quickly make their intent known.

The one on the left grabs his arm while the one on the right reveals a gun hidden in the fold of a newspaper. Benjamin looks from one to the other. He is trying to decide if he should run or fight. However, he decides to remain calm, as the one with the folded up newspaper speaks quietly.

“The boss wants a word with you Benny boy”…he jams the newspaper hiding the gun into Benjamin’s side. “It ain’t a request either, you’re coming with us. Don’t make no trouble, and nobody gets hurt.”

The Retrieval of Jupiter

Jupiter Davis is feeling overwhelmed. The twins are napping and the afternoon is wearing on. Furthermore, Benjamin would be home soon. Therefore, she is trying to get their evening meal prepared. However, she is certain the twins will not sleep long. Little James Abner is active and curious, much like his father. In contrast, Mary Elizabeth’s calm and quiet nature leaves Jupiter uncertain as to what she might need.

In fact, Mary Elizabeth often awakens from her naps and quietly observes all she can see. This usually means it is James Abner alerting everyone that nap time is over, and it is time for food. However, today they are both sleeping peacefully when Jupiter checks in on them. Therefore she decides it is a good time to begin preparing supper. Once Benjamin returns, they will have dinner together as a family, and then listen to their favorite radio program.

Warning Sign

Benjamin enjoyed Dragnet, and Jupiter’s favorite was Jubilee. They would spend their evening listening together, and then talking about almost everything. Likewise, it had become Jupiter Davis’s favorite time of the day. She almost couldn’t wait for Ben to return as she began their supper.

She hadn’t been at it very long, when the sound of breaking glass startles her. Immediately she drops what she is doing, and runs to check on the twins. They are okay and sleeping peacefully. Then she moves to the living room where she discovers a large rock on the floor. It is laying in a pile of broken glass from their front window. Additionally she notices a piece of parchment tied to the rock.

Jupiter unties the parchment and unfolds it. Written upon the old piece of paper are four words. They chill Jupiter to her depths and she rushes to the window to see if the vandal is still around. However the yard is empty, as is the street beyond. She looks at the note in her trembling hands. The words are simple but menacing. FINAL WARNING LEAVE NOW.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Essence

Eric and Emma slowly, push and pull the crate from the sixth container. It is very heavy and bulky. Once they have it lowered to the ground Eric retrieves a dolly from his garage. He wheels the crate into the garage and Emma follows. They are breathing heavy from the exertion and for a moment they just stare at the large crate. They stare at the name printed in bold letters, across the top and sides, of the crate. JUPITER DAVIS. It is as mysterious, as it is unexpected. Why would an entire shipping container, only contain one crate?

Emma and Eric then look at one another. They are communicating without words now. Something has begun to happen between them. Eric raises his eyebrows, and Emma gives the slightest nod. It is time to open the crate.

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The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

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