The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Excelsior
In all the years before this one, Benjamin stayed true. Everything he did, he did for his family. There wasn’t one thing he regretted. Not the beginning, the middle, or the end. Therefore, being at the end, wasn’t really haunting. What haunted him, was all that was left undone.
Three years ago he knew. The problem was having enough time. That is why he began then. However, starting it, was only part of a larger problem. He needed someone he could trust. There were some things that would need to be taken care of after he was gone. His great concern in the beginning, was finding someone he could trust.
Trust. Funny how after all the years it came down to trust. It was trust that began it all, and it was the loss of trust that changed everything. In fact, if he were to look back and examine the things that led to where they were now, it would be just after they lost James Abner. Everything changed after that. Furthermore, he is certain that is where things changed between him and Jupiter.
The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart
It was a risk searching for someone he could trust. The search alone, would spark unwanted attention. This meant he had to use, almost all, of his considerable connections. It took a couple of months and many interviews through several of his shell companies. There would be no loose ends. That was not how Benjamin did things.
Though there were many applicants, one rose above the rest. She was a nurse and one of the few who made it to the final round. Eileen. It was not an easy process, however it was an uncommon compensation package. A one million dollar sign on bonus, was nothing to sneeze at. Furthermore, that was just the start. Once all was said and done, Eileen would be set for life.
Excelsior – Jupiter’s Heart
Now, as he waits, he reflects on his work. Each step was so carefully planned. Likewise, each part of the plan, was an exercise in patience. And as he waits in the dark, he is not concerned about Eileen’s follow through. She will keep her end of the agreement. Additionally, she will find that she has more work to do long after he is gone. Nevertheless, he is not worried.
As the long night moves toward dawn, Benjamin thinks of Jupiter again. He weeps for a time, and then he sleeps. He dreams of the gas station where he saved Jupiter’s life. Then he dreams of their home. While he dreams, he thinks of all he did. Years of planning and carefully executing each detail.
As he drifts through sleep like a wind tossed leaf, he remembers all the things that mattered so much. He thinks of James Abner, and in his dream he weeps again. Then his mind settles on Mary Elizabeth. His sweet Mary Elizabeth. Then his eyes snap open, as he suddenly remembers something he forgot.
Jupiter’s heart
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