The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Family

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Family

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Family

Emma closes the door and locks it behind her. From here, her path wouldn’t come this way again. She tucks the key in the hideaway spot, and walks back to her car. The morning’s stress begins to fade as she enters her car. She was looking forward to seeing Eric again. They needed to talk. The sooner the better, as far as she was concerned.

As she pulls into traffic, she sees her old apartment in the rear view mirror. How appropriate, she thinks, and sets her eyes forward, instead. She was leaving that life behind. It was in the rear view now. Her only concern moving forward, is moving forward. She lived in the apartment for three years before moving to the smaller apartment above Eric’s garage. There were no regrets.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Family

With this in mind, Emma points the car toward the outskirts of the city. Eric’s place is half an hour’s drive from her old apartment. As she drives, her mind drifts to the coincidence of her great grandfather being a part of this story. Maybe, coincidence wasn’t the right word. Indeed, was she not still trying to absorb her recent loss?

Until that night when Jupiter first met Eric, her distant family was a mystery. Although Jupiter knew some details, her own mother never told her more than her grandmother’s name. The rest, she had always told Emma, wasn’t important. Now that Emma’s own mother is gone, she has learned things that are not only confusing, but also intense. Furthermore, she can’t understand why it was all kept from her.


She is still trying to get her mind around her great grandfather once owning Eric’s demolished house. She was not one to place much stock in words like destiny, or meant to be. However, she was having difficulty seeing her situation as mere coincidence. Although, she can’t explain why it was Eric, she found and called. Why, would she have chosen Eric’s ad above the rest?

There were ads for many available places. Yet, Eric’s had been the only ad she called. And subsequently visited. It was more than chance, it was a course. A direction they were both moving in. She feels like they would find themselves on this path, no matter the choices they made. Especially when taking into account her and Eric’s, arrangement. She smiles just a little when she thinks of their plan. It was good to have a friend.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Family

Benjamin turns, and paces back across the waiting room floor. He feels his nerves getting at him again, so he lights another cigarette. What was taking so long? Did it always take so long? Another nurse paces by, quickly. There is no time to ask about Jupiter, or the baby. Therefore, Benjamin begins pacing rapidly again. He puffs his cigarette, and worries about Jupiter and the baby. And he feels useless. He paces, and wonders what was taking so long. Was everything okay?

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Family

He was at work when Jupiter called. She went into labor, and needed him to get home quickly. He knows he made record time driving home. Additionally they arrived safely at the hospital while Jupiter was still having contractions. When the nurses wheeled Jupiter and the baby away, they promised to keep Benjamin informed. Now he paces back and forth, and waits.

After what feels like an eternity the doors of the waiting room open. A nurse enters while removing her surgical mask. He eyes find Benjamin in the crowded waiting room and she walks straight to where he stands. When she reaches Benjamin she smiles a warm but strained smile. Then she addresses Benjamin and changes his life forever.

Jupiter’s Surprise

“Mr. Thomas? My name is Abigail and I’m here to let you know that your wife is fine. She did great. Everything went well, even with the complications. Once the doctor finishes up you will be able to see them. Although we must ask that you make your visit short. But by tomorrow there should be no problem with you spending as much time as you would like with the babies.”

Benjamin Thomas takes in the nurses words. And then pauses. There is something that he isn’t understanding but he isn’t sure if he misheard so he asks nurse Abigail to be sure.

“Excuse me miss, but I thought I heard you say, the babies.” Benjamin smiles uncertainly. Abigail looks at Benjamin with a growing smile, and speaks again.

“Yes I did Mr. Thomas. You have twins. A boy and a girl. Isn’t that exciting Mr. Thomas!?”

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