The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Locked

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Locked

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Locked

The first container is filled to the brim with lumber. Every conceivable kind of lumber. The stacks of lumber went from floor to ceiling of the container. A small aisle of space went down the center, and Eric followed it to the rear of the container. It was all lumber, all the way through.

As he exits the container, Emma watches him with raised eyebrows.

“It’s full of lumber,” Eric turns and swings the large container door shut. It was time to open the second one. It sits atop this one, and Eric carefully climbs up to the lock. Within seconds the lock is freed and he unlatches the door, then swings it open. At first he thinks he is seeing things. From the ground Emma is looking closely at what she can see. Eric turns and looks at Emma.

“Can you see any of this?”

“Yes, some of it, but not all of it,” she nods. “Is the whole container the same?”

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Locked

Eric looks deeper into the container. Once again there is an aisle down the middle. From floor to ceiling there is furniture. Old furniture. Antique and obviously so. There are chairs and tables. And small wooden crates marked fragile. Intermittently spaced throughout the container there are large antique lamps. Near the back of the container there are larger boxes. They are also marked fragile.

Feeling even more bewildered Eric returns to the door and grasps the pull strap. He pulls the door to him as he jumps down. This wasn’t anything like he imagined. He was imagining stolen artwork, or perhaps stolen exotic cars. Once, on a reality show about detectives and unsolved crimes, they uncovered a shipping container full of pallets loaded with cash. Bundle upon bundle of stacked cash.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Locked

Eric hadn’t actually expected a container full of cash. Although it would have been extremely mystifying. However, he hadn’t expected what he had found so far, either. A container full of lumber? Another filled with antique furniture? None of it made any sense. Emma raises her eyebrows and asks him again.

“Is the whole thing filled with antique furniture?”

Contents and Meanings

“Yes.” Eric nods, and moves to the third container. Now he felt beyond curious. Additionally this had become even more mysterious than it was before. And that was saying something. Because before this, it hadn’t made any sense. He quickly cuts through the container lock, and swings the door wide. Lumber. From floor to ceiling, every conceivable kind of lumber. This time Eric doesn’t bother going down the middle aisle.

Instead, he climbs up to the fourth container, and cuts the lock. The door opens revealing more antique furniture. Furthermore, from floor to ceiling, are old relics from the past. Far too many pieces to take in at the moment. However, it is almost identical to the other container filled with antiques. The only difference is the absence of a middle aisle. This container appears to have been meticulously arranged.


The fifth container is an anomaly. Likewise, when Eric swings the heavy container door open, both he and Emma gasp. There are two automobiles parked nose to nose, inside the container. Eric isn’t a professional car guy, but anyone would understand the value of two vintage Rolls Royce automobiles. Furthermore they are in mint condition. Pristine and extremely well cared for, they are the only things, that occupy the fifth container.

This time it is Eric with raised eyebrows. He looks at Emma and smiles. It is the first time he has felt like smiling today. As he stands beside Emma, they are both staring at the sixth and final container. It could have anything inside. They have certainly been surprised so far. He looks at Emma and asks, “Ready”?

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

She nods and Eric climbs up and clips the lock. As the door swings wide he is completely stunned this time. He stands and stares into the depths of the container. Emma climbs up to where he is and peers into the container. Then they both enter the large container, and move to the only thing there.

A large wooden crate, sitting in the exact middle, of the container. It appears to be solid and very well constructed to protect whatever was inside. Furthermore, it is marked with only two words. They are almost impossible to miss. Jupiter Davis.

The Pawn Ticket Redemption

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