The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Moondance

The Retrieval of Jupiter's Heart - Moondance

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Moondance

Eric pries at the lid on the top of the wooden crate. Emma watches him in silence. The lid is firmly attached. It doesn’t take Eric long to realize the hammer isn’t enough. Additionally, the crate is tall, and the top is at chest level. Furthermore there are many nails sealing the top. Therefore, he decides he will also need a pry bar.

As if reading his mind, Emma moves quickly to the workbench at the back of the garage. She grabs the largest pry bar and quickly returns to Eric. He looks at her with deep eyes, and smiles. Likewise she winks at him, and tucks the pry bar into the small gap he has made with the hammer. Together they work at the lid of the large crate.

It takes them a full thirty minutes to completely remove the lid from the old crate. Once it is free, Eric carefully removes it. It is full of nails and reminds him of a cactus with an abundance of long sharp barbs. As he places it out of the way, Emma begins removing the old newspaper packing in the crate. Then Eric returns to her side, and together they set about uncovering the contents of the old shipping crate.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

Benjamin walks slowly ahead of the goon with the rolled up newspaper. They are now at a large warehouse in the inner city. Additionally, the goon with the gun rode beside Ben, the whole way there. Furthermore, he kept the gun jammed into Benjamin’s side, the whole way there. Benjamin is feeling hot now, and the weather has nothing to do with it. Similarly, he watches closely for a chance to escape.

The Retrieval of Jupiter's Heart - Moondance

The goon in the lead opens a door on the side of the building and Benjamin is ushered inside. The interior of the warehouse bustles with activity. There are rows upon rows of tables filled with exotic looking items. Likewise there are many workers attending to those items. Some are packing them into small boxes while others are opening boxes, and removing items. All the activity is in stark contrast to the nearly silent street outside.

Benjamin is led down the side of all the tables. They are moving toward the back of the warehouse. Furthermore, not one person so much as glances their way. The warehouse is very large and after some walking they reach a set of steps leading to the floor above. At the top there is a door marked Do Not Enter. Benjamin is led to this door, and then through it.


The first thing he notices are all the maps on the walls of the office beyond the door. Indeed, the walls exhibit them in every available space. Maps of the city and every district therein. Then Benjamin notices the large oak desk at the back of the room. However, he is more surprised by who is sitting behind the desk.

Then the goon with the gun jabs Ben in the side once more, and issues a command.

“Sit down Benny boy…time to talk.”

Benjamin sits in the chair opposite the desk. Moreover, he has a feeling of Deja vu, as he stares at Mr. Stephens. Furthermore, he feels slightly confused, and a bit concerned, as he stares at his former boss. For a moment he wonders if the events of this morning had even happened. He was fired not two hours ago by the man now sitting across from him. Furthermore he can’t help but think, what gives?

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

Jupiter has dinner ready and the twins are in their high chairs. Therefore, she watches for Benjamin to pull into the driveway. However, he is noticeably late this evening. In fact, she is beginning to get worried. It is almost dark. Benjamin is seldom late. And never by this much.

As she watches out the window, the occasional car shuttles past. With each one, she hopes it is Ben. Then she feels her worry grow as each one passes. The twins are getting restless and Jupiter feels her intuition flaring up into overdrive. Something wasn’t right.

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The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Moondance

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