The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart part two

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart part two

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart part two

Eric offers Emma another tissue. She is slightly more composed now. Furthermore they are sitting in the front room of his home. After finding Emma so upset at the front door, Eric had hastily invited her in. Then he retrieved a box of tissues. From there he waited quietly for her to gather her composure.

That was thirty minutes ago. Now, she is quietly dabbing the tissue at the corner of her eyes. She looks at Eric, and gives a small embarrassed smile. Then she apologizes for her outburst. Her apology feels heartfelt, and she appears genuinely embarrassed.

Eric feels impressed with, and drawn to her. He can’t help but wonder what has her so upset. Furthermore, he is even more impressed with her now. Her confidence and poise were obvious. Even through her distress it was plain to see there was something impressive, and unique, about Emma.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart

Eric lives alone in his modest two story home. Once, some time ago, he had family. Carefully, he finishes the thought, without exploring the memory. The home, and surrounding property, were too large for only one person. Additionally, he recently made the decision to travel.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart part two

With this in mind, he felt like renting the room over the garage, was a catchall. A solution to several problems at the same time. He wanted to avoid stressing about home, as he traveled. Furthermore, one worry holding him back, is finding a suitable tenant. So, his one stipulation, is a trustworthy tenant.

As he listens to Emma apologize, he feels more and more like he has found the tenant he was hoping to find. He politely relieves her of any worry about an imposition. Additionally he assures her that he is glad to be of some help. Then, for some time thereafter, they talk.

Finding a future

Two months later, Eric is returning from his first trip away in years. He has taken a cab from the airport and is anticipating an evening unpacking and reflecting. While recuperating. He had spoken with Emma earlier in the week and things were fine. “Almost boring”, she had cheerfully added, while they were on the phone.

Eric reflects back on the two weeks previous. He decides immediately, to start planning another trip, as soon as he is settled this evening. The cab rounds the corner to his neighborhood and eases into the driveway of Eric’s home.

Part two

The detached garage is directly ahead of the cab. Emma is standing in front of the garage with an apprehensive look. Eric takes note, but has some trouble focusing on her at the moment. He is too busy trying to understand where his house is. Eric gets out of the cab and looks around. Aside from Emma and the garage, there is only an empty lot.

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