The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Promise

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Promise

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Promise

The Thomas family was an average family. At least by the standards of late 1949. Ben was fifteen the day he met Jupiter Davis, for the first time. By the time he met Jupiter Davis the second time, it was 1959. By then, Ben was an established professional. The result of working hard in school, and obtaining his degree, six months ahead of his classmates.

Benjamin was an engineer. His employment with one of the top firms in the country, was a result of tireless effort, and discipline. In fact, he was just beginning his tenure with the company when he met Jupiter Davis the second time. And fell in love with her. He began to court Jupiter Davis, the same day he saved her, from the runaway bus. Six months later, they were married.

A year after they married, they were quickly outgrowing their apartment in the city. It was much more than just the size of the place. Jupiter missed the fresh country air, and gazing up at the stars of the night. Similarly, Benjamin missed having grass to mow, and outside chores on bright, hot summer days. He grew up on a farm, after all.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart – Promise

Therefore, when they finally found their perfect home, it was at the perfect time. Jupiter fell in love with the old place the minute she laid eyes on it. It was a warm spring day. The fact that the house was for sale, only solidified her immediate belief, that the home was meant for them. She walked around the property, gazing in each window. Within ten minutes she was smitten with the quaint old house, and all its charm.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Promise

She rushed back to their apartment, and couldn’t wait for Ben to return. Later that evening they went to the house together. Jupiter closely observed Ben’s reactions. If she hadn’t known already, that it was destiny, the look in Ben’s eyes would have cinched the deal. Ben excitedly opened Jupiter’s door, and took her hands in his, and together they walked around what would become their home. Their dream.

A Home Together

A few months later they moved into the house, and began making it their home. Day by day, Jupiter fell more in love with the old place. However, on the day Jupiter received the call from Dr. Roberts office, she knew they were going to have to accelerate their plans for remodeling the home. Because soon, there would be another member of their family. She smiles, thinking about them as a family.

Additionally, she feels concerned about Ben. She knows he will not talk about what is bothering him, until he is sure, she is safe. He watches out for her with a steadfast determination, to protect her at all costs. Furthermore he was faithful to a fault. Jupiter knew she could rely on Benjamin’s word. She trusted Benjamin, and his promise to her.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

Benjamin hits the ground, hard. The hit loosens a tooth. However, Benjamin regains his feet quickly. Then sends back an uppercut and several jabs, before the numbers overwhelm him again. They punch and throw him against the wall, then pin him there. Ben struggles valiantly, but a sucker punch in the gut ends it. The wind wooshes from him, as he slumps over from the strike. A voice, gruff and low, addresses him from the shadows.

“You will move out from the house, and sell it to the company. Understand pal?” Benjamin is grabbed, and slung against the wall again. He begins to fight back again, and gets another jab to the breadbasket.

“Say you understand pal. We don’t have all night to do this. Say you understand.” Benjamin is shaken around again. He kicks out with his foot and gets a result. He can’t help a triumphant growl, as he renews his struggle. Then he tries to break free and run. The cops are on the way now. He can hear the sirens. He is breaking free, when a blow to the back of his head turns out the lights.


Emma awakens with a startled jump. She was dreaming. As she sits up, the dream fades, almost immediately, from her mind. She remembers being afraid, and her pulse is quick and steady, as though she has just struggled mightily. She feels slightly confused. However, she regains her morning composure rather quickly. Then she remembers her time with Eric, the previous evening.


Their conversation had been wholesome and meaningful. Emma was beginning to see sides of Eric, she hadn’t noticed before. It didn’t feel confusing. In fact, it was refreshing. Therefore, she begins contemplating the arrangement they made. As she dresses for the day, she can’t help but feel that it was much more, like a promise.

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