The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Revelation

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Revelation

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Revelation

Eric was still waiting. It had taken most of the morning to get this far and he was still waiting. He looks out the window. The day is overcast and threatening rain. As he peers out the window, he sees the first flashes of lightning in the distance.

It looked like they were going to get that rain after all. Furthermore, he wished he had a house with a roof. Two weeks ago he did have a house with a roof. However, a poorly timed vacation had him somewhere else, when a demo crew showed up. That had been the end of his home.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Revelation

He supposed he was lucky. He did still have the garage, with the small apartment above. So he technically still has a roof. The clerk returns to his desk behind the glass, and Eric waits patiently for the results.

The morning had been a series of disappointments. He started at the city planner’s office. This was the number and department listed on the paperwork Emma had given him. From there, he went to the building inspector’s offices. The city clerk was convinced the building inspection unit made the grievous error.

This resulted in a heated exchange between the two department clerks. Eric witnessed one half of the exchange. It hadn’t brought him any closer to his missing house. In fact, he was directed to another department. The zoning commission. Here is where he has been for the last thirty minutes.

The office is small. The clerk in the office had been helpful. At first. However, as the details began to emerge, Eric noticed a change in the clerk’s demeanor. In fact, the change became so pronounced they were down to terse, one word answers.

More delays

This caused an unsettled feeling to creep into his belly. His indignation and frustration were beginning to boil over. Furthermore, he was still no closer to finding out who was responsible for the destruction of his home. The zoning clerk pauses while looking over the computer monitor.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Revelation

“What did you say the address was again Mr. Stevens?” the clerk asks him.

Eric feels flabbergasted, but confirms his empty lot’s location. The clerk examines the computer screen for an extended time. Then the clerk brings Eric to the point where he is now. Feeling quite incredulous. Eric listens in shock, as the clerk explains the delay.

“I’m not showing any record of a private home at this address. In fact, that address isn’t even zoned residential. It is a commercial zone. Therefore, the address is for commercial use only. Are you sure about that address Mr. Stevens?”

Eric looks at the man sitting behind the glass. He decides it is not his imagination. There is no way this clerk is telling him his house never existed. He lived there for fifteen years. What the hell?

The best laid plans

Eileen looks solemnly at Mr. Thomas. It is difficult to know if he is with her at the moment. Or not. Sometimes his lapses go on for extended periods. She is sitting across from him and has just confirmed that she accomplished his request.

He had only asked her to confirm that she had indeed dropped the envelope off with the zoning commission. It had been on her way this morning so she had taken care of it first thing. Now, she sits quietly waiting for him to respond.

This might take some time. There are times when Eileen knows she is being ignored. However, this time she is willing to use all of her patience. Helping Mr. Thomas was her decision, and she knew enough about the old fellow to know he wasn’t devious or unkind. So what was he up to? And why?

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