The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Teamwork

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Teamwork

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Teamwork

The day turned colder, and the skies were threatening rain. Emma waits at the car for Eric to finish up in the shipping office. She could tell from the activity, it wasn’t going well. She had been waiting for almost an hour. After last night, they both agreed the shipping yard was the place to start. The six containers that appeared on Eric’s empty lot, had been transported from here. Furthermore, they were all locked. So their contents were still a mystery.

After discovering the locks, they were determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. This insane mystery. The previous night, they stayed up into the wee hours of the morning, comparing their findings, and learning from one another. However, the appearance of the shipping containers, had changed almost everything. Not to mention it was exceedingly bizarre.

Furthermore, it seemed to be part of some plan. Some undertaking, that was automated and preset. From the looks of things in the shipping office, Eric wasn’t getting any answers. As if to confirm her suspicions, Eric turns from the kiosk in the office and exits. He slams the door behind him, and walks to the car where Emma is waiting.

The Retrieval of Jupiter’s Heart

They sit quietly as Eric drives. Emma watches the road and listens intently to Eric. He is speaking in an absent minded way, the frustration evident in his voice.

“They can’t reveal the origination point for the containers”, he pauses for a moment and then continues, “Furthermore, they acknowledge it is beyond strange to have delivered them to a residential lot. My lot. However, the shipping manifest is private. That is why they have locks. Additionally, it is against the company policy to discuss the contents of a private container.”

He looks at Emma, with his eyebrows raised. “They actually don’t know what a container has in it. They only deliver them, they don’t look inside.”

A New Plan

Emma listens to Eric’s words trying to think of their next move. Was there a higher authority they could appeal to? She studies this, but doesn’t present her thoughts, just yet. She wants to hear everything Eric has to say, first. After their previous night, she trusts him now, more than ever. They will find a way, and an answer to this mystery, together.

The retrieval of Jupiter's heart - Teamwork

Eric watches the road and continues to drive. He has a plan and he hasn’t mentioned it to Emma yet. Indeed, he is a little concerned about her opinion of him, and what he is about to do. However, he has reached his limit. Furthermore, he feels as though he has been exemplary in his actions, thus far. He pulls into the parking lot, and finds a place to park.


Emma is still mulling over everything Eric has told her. There are far too many coincidences. The mystery is no longer, just about a missing house. Additionally, they are drawing closer together, through all their shared experiences. She decides to wait until they are back at the apartment above the garage to discuss her concerns. They had only just begun to make connections, the night before.

She goes with Eric into the store. And she isn’t surprised when he first locates, and then selects, a large pair of bolt cutters. Then they move to the power tools where he selects a large, industrial drill. After a few more odds and ends, Eric pays for the gear, and they are back in the car again. Now Emma knows they will get some answers. She looks at Eric and smiles. He does likewise, and immediately she likes their team even more.

At the Office

Benjamin sits quietly across from Mr. Stevens. He watches as Mr. Stevens continues to leaf through the papers on his desk. There is something interesting there, because he has not spoken since they sat down. Then Mr. Stevens finds the papers he is looking for. He quietly reads through them. Benjamin is watching closely. His stomach is doing flip flops, as he watches Mr. Stevens read.

After a long few minutes, Benjamin decides this is actually out of the ordinary. He feels under the microscope. Additionally, he is beginning to resent being ignored. He adjusts his seat. Loudly. Mr. Stevens looks up at him. There is no smile or greeting, or any discussion of work. He simply looks at Benjamin, and says in a matter of fact kind of way.

The retrieval of Jupiter’s heart – Teamwork

“Benjamin your work here has been appreciated, however, we are going to have to let you go.”

Blinking quickly, Benjamin tries to comprehend the gravity of his situation. Until Mr. Stevens makes it explicitly clear.

Benjamin, you’re fired.”

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