The revealing way of the truth – Pen and promise
Harrison freezes. The knock at the door seems to echo through his small apartment. His heartbeat quickens, and a thin film of sweat breaks out on his brow. Another loud knock causes him to jump involuntarily. Whoever it is they are persistent. Harrison remembers the malice, and dark intent, in the eyes of the glowering madman from earlier.
He rises from his chair and moves to the door. The feeling that someone is listening for him to move, is strong. Likewise he feels chills race up his spine, as he grips the doorknob, and opens the door. On an empty hallway. Harrison blinks in confusion. The hallway of the apartment complex was deserted. Furthermore there was only one way into the hall. Harrison could see no one retreating, or hiding.
He is about to shut the door when something on the floor catches his eye. He is not expecting a delivery. However, there was a visit by someone with a message. The message was laying there just outside his front door. It was the drawing from earlier. The hellish drawing he made for the dark, menacing stranger.
The Revealing Way of the Truth
Harrison slams the door and steps back. Now his heart rate is more than quick. He turns away from the door and makes an immediate decision. He quickly moves to his bedroom and packs an overnight bag. From there he grabs his passport and a few other personal effects. He didn’t know how long he would be gone, only that he was going. Now.

He goes back to the table and retrieves the business card from the police lady’s message. Bethany. He studies the card closely. Her name is Bethany, and she is a local detective. The strange feeling that he is caught up in something nags at the back of his mind. Yet it makes no sense whatsoever. He didn’t know this lady. Had never met her before earlier today.
Finally, he quickly packs his art supplies, and leaves the apartment. On the street he hails a taxi and takes the first one. It never occurred to him, nor did he notice, that the drawing in the hallway was gone. He was feeling rattled, and all his thoughts were on fleeing. He settles into the taxi and gives the same address on the business card Bethany left for him. Harrison was truly in the wind now.
The Revealing Way – Pen and Promise
Bethany is at her desk. Furthermore, she has been here all afternoon. Her case load is managed. Additionally she only has two active investigations, currently. So she can benefit from a little desk time. She looks over her drawing. How is it possible a street vendor could do this in such a revealing way? Furthermore, how could he have known she was pregnant, when she hadn’t even known herself?
That is why she ran him through the system. It was because she felt so rattled on the street. Although Harrison’s name came back squeaky clean (the guy has never even gotten a parking ticket) it turns out there were some interconnected investigations. In fact, she was waiting on a call from one of the homicide detectives now. Similarly, she is concerned enough to try and help Harrison if possible.
Furthermore, based on her inquiries, it turns out there is much more here than she expected. In fact, Harrison’s life was likely in danger, and he had no idea. Therefore she decided to get involved. It was unlike her, considering she was in at least two other important cases. However that thought is pushed aside as the phone rings and she answers.
- Previous Chapters
- (1) Pen and Promise, the drawing game
- (2)Pen and Promise, the freelance way
- (3)The Free Spirit Sketch – Pen and Promise
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The Revealing Way