The saddle room with Butterbeans

The saddle room with Butterbeans

The saddle room with Butterbeans

Emily Kate Rodgers is in a fix. This isn’t the first time the colt has jumped the fence. In fact, it isn’t the tenth time either. She unbolts the gate, and swings it wide. Then she gets back on the ATV and passes through the opening. Deciding to leave the gate open, she continues traveling the dirt path leading away from the pastures of the Bar K ranch.

The day is overcast and she expects to find the runaway colt near a particular stream. One that is a mile or so away. Furthermore, she knows the colt will resist a return to the ranch. This means there will likely be another chase. Indeed, her last encounter with the colt was a chase, and then some.

With this in mind, she decides to park the ATV some distance away from the stream. Furthermore, if she is stealthy enough, there will be no need for a chase today. She could then return to the ranch with a found colt, and little time lost. This is her plan as she parks the ATV and gathers her gear. She begins walking in the direction of the stream, where she found the colt the previous day.

The saddle room with Butterbeans

Alex and Jared are walking along the old dirt road, through the center of the old ghost town. The afternoon has become muggy and hot. Butterbeans is exploring further ahead, as Alex and Jared talk and walk. They were getting to know one another. And the more Alex learned about the young man, and his family, the more intrigued he became.

The saddle room with Butterbeans

Their family history in the valley, and at the Bar K ranch, is impressive. Alex finds himself listening intently, as Jared talks about his older sister Emily. It is obvious he admires and respects her greatly. Indeed, as Jared describes her and her incredible talent, Alex completely understands.

Early days

They are nearing the old livery stable. The blacksmith shed, and the adjoining old barn, are still intact and standing. Additionally, Alex notices this structure is in the same direction they had traveled under the old saloon. Furthermore, he is almost certain they are near the exact spot where Butterbeans became so upset.

Speaking of Buttebeans, Alex watches her as she first examines the area outside the old barn. Then she enters the old building, and goes straight to the old saddle room. It isn’t lost on Jared either, because he quickly declares his surprise.

“She went straight to the barn! Did you see her just go straight in? She must be onto something!” He looks at Alex with a smile that exudes excitement.

The saddle room

Then he continues with an animated exuberance.

“They say the old livery stable is the place where the treasure was buried. This whole area is historical and old. The livery stable, in fact the whole town, was not here when the treasure was supposedly buried here, a long time ago.”

He looks earnestly at Alex, watching for his reaction. Alex is indeed curious. Furthermore, he is feeling a little worried about Butterbeans as they near the old barn. He hasn’t heard a peep from her since she went in. As they cross into the shadows of the old barn, Alex feels the temperature drop. It is almost as though they have walked into an air-conditioned room.

Up ahead and to the left, the old saddle room door stands ajar. Furthermore, there is still no sign of Butterbeans. Alex calls for her, and is immediately alarmed when there is no response. He quickly crosses the floor of the old barn to the old saddle room door. Jared is right on his heels as they enter the room.

The dirt path

The tack room is empty except for a few small pieces of leather, on an old shelf. Likewise there is a large hole in the floor, but no Butterbeans. There appears to be a dirt path, down below the floor. As Alex looks into the darkness below, he can just barely make out the paw prints in the dirt path. However, there is no Butterbeans.

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The saddle room with Butterbeans

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