The shortest distance between two ways

The shortest distance between two ways

It only takes Jasper a moment to make up his mind. The question is when will be the right time? They are walking toward his truck. The man with the gun is walking behind Jasper. However, not closely.

Jasper is determined to stall the fixated gunman until the cops arrive. Surely they must be on the way. It hasn’t been five minutes since they walked from the diner, but Jasper was certain the cops would be showing any second now.

As they near the truck, he hears the sound of a siren in the distance. He is relieved to think this event will be over soon. He is about to make his move when several things happen simultaneously.

Shortest Distance

In the distance, from the direction of the sounding siren, comes an explosion. Big enough to create a concussive force here, several miles away. Jasper’s hat is blown off his head. The sound of the explosion is next, and it vibrates the ground beneath Jasper’s feet.

Something major has happened. Jasper is having a moment in which he can’t get his head around what is happening. He has stopped to stare. A sharp flash of pain across his shoulder snaps him back into focus.

The shortest distance between two ways

“I said keep moving! That is no business of yours, it’s the truck you want to get to Jasper. If you want to see the end of this day, keep walking, and stop stalling.” The bad guy has the gun pressed firmly into Jasper’s back. He starts walking again.

With each passing moment Jasper feels opportunity slipping away. There is a giant plume of smoke forming on the horizon, further into the city. There is a disaster happening there. If the force of the blast was any indicator of the disaster, it was extreme.

He marvels again at how absurdly quick a day can change. It is still messing with him that the asshole gunman knows his name. Not only does he know Jasper’s name, but also seems to know Jasper. It adds an oddness that is unsettling.

Two Ways

Jasper is ordered to the passenger side of the truck. The gunman watches Jasper as he climbs in the truck, and then follows. All the while, keeping the gun steady and ready. He must be professional because he leaves no opening for Jasper to maneuver or flee, without risking harm.

In the distance, from the direction of the growing smoke plume, comes more explosions. Smaller and more muffled, they don’t carry the same concussive force. The sound of the sirens has moved off into the distance. No doubt in response to the explosions.

As Jasper settles behind the wheel he gets his directions. “Take us to the interstate Jasper. Straight to the on ramp and then south, drive. Behave and you may survive the day. Now drive Jasper, no more wasting time.”

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