The Soda Connection and the Unspoken Rule

The soda connection and the unspoken rule.

Have a coke and a smile. It really works and it tastes pretty good too. A Pepsi, a Sprite, both are delicious and have good fizz.

Dr. Pepper is in a class by itself, but still ranks well with the fizz factor.

Mellow Yellow and Mountain Dew have fizz and flavor. Cheerwine and RC cola are also in the mix. That is certainly a lot of soda. But it just scratches the surface of all the available options.

The Soda Connection and the Unspoken Rule
Fizz factor

So what is this connection that was touted so strongly, in the title of this strange piece? It’s there, wait for it! It leads to the unspoken rule!

Cold is best, although warm is also acceptable. Do Not shake before opening. That is another surprise entirely!

Summertime, winter time or anytime, is a great time for a soda connection. Can, bottle or cup. On the rocks or straight up, the soda connection is solid.

Caffeinated or not. Energy infused or not, as long as the fizz factor is above two, it will do. The faster the better, and this is where the unspoken rule starts to come into play.

It takes a minute, maybe two, but it’s on the way without a doubt! Sometimes funny, sometimes bold! It signals the maximum enjoyment of a good fizz factor formula!

That’s it! The looong burp!

Thanks for stopping by, have fun out there!

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