The stressful day and reading at leisure

The stressful day and reading at leisure

The stressful day and reading at leisure

Everyone has one, once in a while. Some have them more often. And more than a few of those, have them consistently. The stressful day. If the hiccups came to mind, that opens up a possible segue. However, the stressful day is like a silent passenger that applies pressure. To everything. Therefore, the stressful day, is an important topic.

Once upon a time, minimizing stress was a goal. This article will have more signal, than solution, on that front. Mainly because most everyone’s stress triggers are different. Therefore a solution must be tailor made, by the individual, for the individual. For example, if the job causes a lot of stress, enjoy the day off even more. In fact, it might be a good idea to use some PTO. (Paid time off) No PTO? One can always play hooky.

Immediate disclaimer – this article is not encouraging irresponsibility. It’s actually encouraging fun. Or adventure, or anything out of the ordinary daily grind. The one that causes all that stress.

The Stressful Day and Reading at Leisure

Another stress breaker, is the five minute reward break. Furthermore, it can be expanded to ten minutes, or any number the person decides. The only stipulation is that it will be a reward. Something earned from all the consistent stress management. Reading at leisure is an example that most can relate to.

The stressful day and reading at leisure

Scrolling through an app’s news feed or reading messages or texts, is a great way to catch up. Especially when there is nothing pending. This is why the five minute stress break works well as a reward incentive. Additionally, the feeling of leisurely parsing through information and communication can feel calming. It’s a different experience when the stress is removed.

Stress Free

With this in mind it is important to keep in mind, that too much stress can lead to inflammation. Also there are many other unpleasant side effects. It is possible to Google the info. The details come back to the same, stress is bad for the mind, body and spirit. Hopefully this article is one of those five minute leisure reads. It’s purpose is to reduce stress, by calling out the stress.

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