The supplemental road to wellness

The supplemental road to wellness

Got any Flintstone vitamins? Not only are they possibly good for the body, but also they are tasty. Broccoli is also good for the body but not as tasty. However it is likely there are exceptions.

With the right preparation the broccoli will be delicious. Under the direction of a top notch chef, the broccoli will become a masterpiece! However, many people don’t have a top notch chef to prepare dinner. Much less a serving of broccoli.

With this in mind, it’s not always easy to get a balanced meal. Indeed, what qualifies as a balanced meal these days anyway? The truth is those Flinstone vitamins, or any supplemental vitamins, are as much a silver bullet, as a silver bullet. At least that is the hope.

The Supplemental Road

In terms of health and wellness some things are better for the body than others. It’s easy to say that falling off a mountain is not good for the body. Clearly, there would be adverse effects. Immediate adverse effects.

There was once a school of thought that coffee was not good for the body. Furthermore, there was a time when a cigarette was considered good for the body. I’m sure almost every smoker will agree it still is. In fact, when looking back, there are a lot of things that were just flat wrong.

The supplemental road to wellness

There wasn’t enough research or science to bank on. These days things are different. A trip to the grocery store, or one of the name brand pharmacy stores, yields a supplemental bonanza. There is possibly a supplement for everything. But is that a good thing?


Additionally are these products safe to use? Is it possible there are adverse effects, like falling off a mountain? Speaking of mountains, this is surely a slippery slope. Supplements are not FDA tested, or FDA anything. This is a good time for careful label reading.

In fact, careful label reading is a best practice when it comes to considering anything that is consumable. It is reasonable to consider broccoli a good for the body food. There isn’t much need for reading the broccoli label.

However, the supplemental road to wellness, needs closer examination. Without true tried and tested, vetted results, a supplement is a gamble. Probably a better gamble than that cigarette. The broccoli option is always on the table though, there are lots of good nutrients in vegetables and fruits.

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