The test of temperance time

The test of temperance time

The test of temperance time

Mary immediately jams the car into reverse. The van behind her recognizes her intention. However, it is too late, as she guns the engine and rockets backward. The impact dislodges everything in the front compartment. Mary watches the rear view mirror through the impact.

The action has the desired effect, as the van rolls backward. Then Mary quickly jams the car into drive and moves it forward a few feet. Then she slams the car into reverse again.

Now, the van behind her is trying to start the motor. She can hear the grinding of the starter as the unknown driver tries to crank it. Nevertheless, she guns the motor of her car, and sends it rocketing backwards again. This time the impact is even more intense, as she hears her rear bumper let go.

The test of temperance time

Simultaneously the van rebounds further backwards. The frantic attempts to start the vehicle pause following the second impact. Mary is sure they are toast now. She thumbs her phone to summon the authorities. This could be the breakthrough the whole case needed. However, her hopes dim slightly when she sees a person exit the van, and flee on foot.

The test of temperance time

Jeremy awakens with a start. He is in a room unfamiliar to him. Furthermore, he has no idea how he arrived here. The last thing he remembers is throwing his phone into the river. Yet around the edges of his mental fog, he perceives there is more.

This state of mind is so foreign to him he assumes he is dreaming. However, that thought also spurs the thought that he can’t remember the last time he dreamed. For a moment his mind drifts as he thinks about the last time he dreamed. It would have to have been the night before the day, of his big meeting.

His eyes snap open. The ceiling is white and tiled. He feels his heart rate quicken as he looks around. The room he is in is similar to an ER. In fact he thinks he might be in an ER. He tries to sit up, and only then realizes he is restrained.

The return

Jeremy thinks again about the night before his meeting with the group. And remembers he was driving a forklift. Therefore, he must have had a job. Jeremy lays motionless as memories drift into his mind. Not only does it fill him with interest but also a curiosity to see how it all ends.

Dimly, in the background, he can hear the beeping of machines. Additionally, he feels the presence of an IV. However, he feels more intrigued with the cascading memories that are flooding his system. Now he hears the machines beeping more urgently as his heart rate goes up.

The memories flood his mind. The deluge is now beyond his ability to control. He is rocked by the realization that the memories are no longer his. Additionally, all his focus is now on one solitary thought, Dr. Hinkleman.

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