The wipeout shot – Temperance effect
The interior of the van is dark. Jeremy can see there is a driver. However, the dark interior makes it impossible to identify who it is. Furthermore, he isn’t alone in the rear of the van. He takes the seat opposite the cargo door. They are pulling away from the curb as well as the curious cops on patrol.
Jeremy looks around the van but sees very little through the darkness. There is another person in the rear compartment with him. However, he can only barely see the other person. Additionally, all was quiet in the vehicle. Jeremy is struggling to understand any of this.
The wipeout shot – temperance effect
He takes the seat in the dark van. Moreover he decides to ask his questions. Regardless of consequence. He had reached his limit. He wasn’t doing anything else until he better understood his plight. As he opens his mouth to demand his answers, the phone in his pocket buzzes again.
He pulls it from his pocket, and stares at the screen. The person sitting beside him doesn’t move. In fact Jeremy can’t even tell if there is breathing happening in the seat next to his. The phone screen has a strange image on it. Jeremy sees it as an intricately detailed image. It appears to have several skulls drawn into it.

As he views the image, he feels an unease settle over him. He sets the phone down. In his imagination. In reality he is still staring at the image. He is unable to look away. The image on the screen, begins to crawl. Jeremy feels revulsion and wants desperately to look away. However, his eyes are locked, as the image crawls from the screen to his hands. He watches helplessly as the strange thing races up his arm to his face. Then the lights go out.
The staff
The new one is adjusting to the program. It won’t be much longer. The new one nears the completely lost point. It’s easy to tell. Because, the only thing left after the pincer program, is an empty shell. One that is programmable and compliant.
Oscar doesn’t care about any of this. He does what he is told to do. Furthermore, he doesn’t even know the boss. He receives pay, to drive the van. So he drives the van where the boss tells him to. He doesn’t like looking at the empties. This is what he calls the programmed. They all have the same empty stare and vacant eyes.
They have traveled across the city and arrived at the first stop. The new one has not finished with the pincer yet. Therefore, this stop was for the previous occupant. The individual stands and moves to the cargo door. With suitcase attached. Oscar watches the person exit the van. He has no idea where they are going. Only the pincer does.
Jeremy wakes up on a bench in the park. It is cold. He feels sleepy and disoriented. Furthermore, he is not in his city. He has no memory of arriving here. In fact, the last thing he remembers is loading the last truck. The night before. He remembers driving to the meeting, and exactly what he was going to lecture on. However, there is no memory of arriving here. He woke up here with no idea how he came to be here.
The way back
Something is wrong here, because Jeremy can tell he is not the same as he was last night. For one thing he is much heavier in the middle, than he’s ever been in his life. Panic begins to grip him, and he feels certain there is a black van waiting for him. A large explosion rips through the air. Jeremy ducks, out of instinct. He grabs the suitcase, and starts running for his life.
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