Treasure map and the great Butterbeans

Treasure map

Treasure map and the great Butterbeans

The Bar K ranch was established in the early 1800s. Emily Kate’s great, great grandfather built the Bar K ranch in 1807. It remained in the family all the way to Emily Kate, who is also the current owner. In fact, she has been the owner for almost a decade. Furthermore, she runs the ranch as well. It is still an active business venture.

Once upon a time, when Emily’s great grandparents ran the Bar K, it was a cattle ranch. Through time, and changing years, the Bar K became a horse farm. When those exciting times came to an end, the Bar K still had horses, but not as many. However, there are still several barns on the expansive ranch. They pass three very large, and well kept barns, as they travel to the main house.

Treasure map

Emily Kate is an excellent tour guide. Alex watches her eyes. He can’t help but notice how they glitter and shine, as she shares the history of her home. Likewise he feels compelled to learn this history. And not just because he can’t stop smiling at her either.

Treasure Map and the Great Butterbeans

Later that evening they are finishing their meal. They are nearly full circle in recounting all of their day’s events. Alex and Emily are listening to Jared describe where he found the old, and mysterious map. The treasure map. Then he can’t help but recount how the great Butterbeans, saved him from the ghost. Alex listens, as he looks over the map, and the old key.

Furthermore, they have each examined the old parchment. It appears to be authentic. However, it was the key that had them all intrigued. They had each taken a guess at what the key unlocked. It was very old. Furthermore, since Jared found it with the map, it was assumed the key opened a treasure chest, of some kind.

Butterbeans is resting quietly on the floor beside Alex. He has been watching her all evening. Something has her unsettled. He noticed it when they left the old ghost town earlier. Now, as he listens to Jared, and examines the old key, Butterbeans ears perk up. Additionally he notices her fur is beginning to stand straight up. Alex pauses in his reflection, and takes a look around. Then he listens intently. Butterbeans is on alert, and now he is too.


She is resting beside Alex. The food was good. They have good food at this Emily and Jared home. Now Butterbeans lays quietly beside Alex. She is listening to all the activity outside. Likewise, there are many scents to think about. Some are strong, and nearby. Other scents are lingering, even though they are very old. She can also tell that Alex is relaxed, and feeling warmth.

She is very nearly asleep when she hears it. The sound comes from far off, at first. In fact, she thought it was part of the outside world. However, it is getting closer to them. It isn’t a normal sound. It is the kind only she can hear. Therefore, she becomes alert immediately. As she listens she recognizes the disturbance. It is not good. The thing from the ghost town, has followed them. It is here.

Treasure Map Ghost

Alex hears the sound of spurs striking a wooden floor. He watches as Butterbeans leaps to her feet. Her demeanor is one of protection. Additionally all her fur is standing up! She is on high alert. Alex can hear her low growl and recognizes that she is very worried. What is going on here?

Almost as soon as he thinks these thoughts, the treasure map is knocked to the floor. Then, impossibly, slides across the floor and disappears under the couch. Everyone stares in disbelief. Everyone except Butterbeans, who is now growling audibly. Then, as if taunted, Butterbeans begins barking savagely at the empty air in the middle of the room.

Jared stares at Butterbeans with a look of surprise. The look turns to fear when the old key is knocked from his hand, and clatters to the floor. Then, it too, slides under the couch. The room appears to darken, and Butterbeans is barking furiously. It all happens so quickly no one has a chance to say anything. Except Jared. Who, with a pale face, and shaking voice knows immediately what has happened.

The ghost is here. It followed us home Emily. It’s here for the map and the key..

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