Treasures and tumbleweeds with Butterbeans

Treasures and tumbleweeds with Butterbeans

Treasures and tumbleweeds with Butterbeans

It didn’t take long for Jared to realize things were off. He was waiting patiently. However, the sun was sinking lower and lower on the horizon. And the tunnel below the barn was eerily quiet. And Alex and Butterbeans had not returned. Jared examines the mysterious map he found, and wonders again where it leads.

He also wonders if Alex and Butterbeans are okay. Furthermore, what if they were in trouble? He looks down at the two-way radio Alex gave him. After a moment he pushes the talk button and asks the expectant silence if Alex is okay. After he releases the button, there is only the slight hiss of radio noise. Jared waits for a response. However, there is only silence from the radio.

Treasures and Tumbleweeds with Butterbeans

With this in mind, he decides he has to find them. Jared peeks into the darkness of the tunnel. Although he feels uneasy about the unknown he feels more worried about his new friends. Therefore, he quickly drops to the area below the barn. After a moment adjusting to the darkness, Jared follows the same direction he saw Butterbeans and Alex take.

After removing his backpack, Alex lays on the ground and reaches into the well. Butterbeans is right beside him, tail wagging, eagerly supervising his work. The distance below the well opening is just enough for Emily Kate to reach Alex’s outstretched hand.

Treasures and tumbleweeds with Butterbeans

A few moments later, and Emily Kate is out of danger, and out of the old well. Furthermore, Butterbeans is reaping the reward, and encouraging more, as she shows Emily Kate much appreciation. Alex watches with a smile as Butterbeans wins another admirer. After a moment Alex is pleasantly startled, when Emily Kate turns, and looks at him solemnly. Then she holds out her hand, and introduces herself.

Underground Impasse

While Alex is pleasantly distracted, Butterbeans hears something that worries her. She trots off, back the way they came. Within minutes, she is near the opening in the canyon wall. The place where they exited the tunnel, just a short while ago. Just before she gets to the opening, a large sound happens, and the ground shakes. Butterbeans pauses, and watches as the opening in the wall crumbles, and becomes completely blocked. She barks loudly, but the rocks tumble down anyway.

As Jared makes his way along the narrow tunnel, he is fascinated with the surrounding walls. He wonders how long ago this tunnel was built. Furthermore where was he going? Of course he knew he was following Alex and Butterbeans. However, he is wondering who built the tunnel to begin with. And why?


Additionally, this tunnel wasn’t the only one in the old ghost town. Had they not just encountered the same thing, in the old saloon? Jared steps carefully in the darkness, remembering his already sore foot.

A few moments later the ground beneath his feet begins to shake. Then from up ahead Jared hears a loud commotion, and a bark from Butterbeans. Jared moves forward, unaware, of what has just happened.

The Pawn Ticket Redemption

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