Turnstiles: Escape plan

Turnstile: Escape plan

Turnstiles: Escape Plan

Tommy tries the door again. It is jammed tight. He pulls with all his might. Then pushes and pulls alternately. It’s as though something has jammed it from the other side. He stands back from the door and kicks it. Then he kicks it again for good measure. He’s not leaving this room by the door.

Furthermore, he is sure they have been set up somehow. It was probably the Stansfield crew. They had been infringing on Tommy and Jeff’s territory more and more often. Therefore things have been tense lately. It was hard to know who and what was safe most of the time.

Turnstiles: Escape plan

Tommy thinks of the strange and frightening tail he had seen earlier. Consequently, he wonders if he had actually seen anything. Especially considering how quickly he had seen it. A glimpse of something was what had actually happened. He peers out the small glass window again. Similarly he studies it to see if he could fit through it.

As he is thinking over his options he hears a scream further down the mezzanine. Furthermore he is positive it is Jeff. Now Tommy feels the icy fingers of panic flood his system. He scrambles around the small token booth looking for something to break the glass window with.

Turnstile: Escape plan

A moment later and he finds a smaller utility, fire extinguisher. It feels heavy enough to bust the glass. Additionally, it will make an awkward, but useful weapon, just in case he is wrong about the tail.

Escape Plan

Jeff is now in the most awkward place he has ever been. The mezzanine continues to be deserted, and Jeff no longer thinks Tommy is conscious. Furthermore, he has gotten his ass seriously stuck. He tries again to right himself. And fails. Additionally this time he knocks his head against the base of the turnstile.

If he wasn’t feeling the sheer panic of being caught, he might think this funny. However it is anything but funny and he tries again to right himself. To no avail. Therefore he screams loudly, in frustration and sheer anger, at the ludicrous position he is in.

His idea had seemed clever and very much like it would work. He thought if he slimmed down some, he could easily squeeze free of the turnstile. Therefore he had dropped his trousers and began to struggle free. It had been working great at first. Until he had slid forward. Somehow his pants had bunched. This caused him to quickly become jammed tight. Upside down. And still stuck in the turnstile.


Now he feels nauseous as well as stuck. However, he still tries to see the token booth from his new vantage point. He needed Tommy to get back here and help. He needed out of this damn turnstile.

From the direction of the token booth he hears the sound of glass breaking. Moreover, he hears a strange mewling sound, and a second later he sees a pair of taloned feet race across the mezzanine toward the sound of the breaking glass.

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