Vector and the temperance effect

Vector and the temperance effect

Vector and the temperance effect

There is no such thing as coincidence. However, if there were, it would probably be just like this. Jeremy is breaking free. Not only with his mind, but also with his person. He has been a prisoner for a long time. Not even the compulsion for understanding or vengeance, could delay his desire to escape.

Therefore, when Dr. Hinkleman steps into the hall, Jeremy is immediately on guard. His memories beseech him. Yet, they are not his memories. These memories are around, his memories. A part of them, but not originating with them. Consequently, they were not attached to his essence.

Jeremy is entertaining this internal debate, wholly. As he stares at Dr. Hinkleman, these thoughts and emotions, fill his attention until he is at risk of becoming lost again. With monumental effort he pulls his mind back into this reality. Dr. Hinkleman is staring at him in that smug way that Jeremy always disliked.

Vector and the temperance effect

Then, he immediately understands he doesn’t know this man standing in front of him. Has never met him in life, or otherwise. His feelings of disdain were not really his. Therefore he isn’t as shaken when Dr. Hinkleman speaks.

“Hello Jeremy, nice to see you up and improving”, then he pauses for a moment. Jeremy senses he is being evaluated. Then Dr. Hinkleman speaks again, with a slightly softer tone, “would you like to step into my office and talk for a few minutes?”

Vector and the temperance effect

Jeremy watches the doctor, watch him. As his senses return to him, so does his reasoning ability. He is beginning to feel the first effects of his indignation. Not only has he been a prisoner, but also he has no memory of anything. Therefore, he is no longer feeling a compulsion to stay and chat.

With this in mind, he moves around the doctor. The faster he can clear this place the better. His first stop was going to be the police. He is so intent on getting to the exit door he fails to see the device in Dr. Hinkleman’s hand. However, he feels it real good, as he lands unconscious, and face first, on the carpeted hallway.

Behind the times

Mary keeps the car moving along the suggested route. They were only thirty minutes away from the van’s location. Furthermore they had been tracking it all afternoon. It was still in the same place. With any luck, it would be the same place as Jeremy.

As she watches the tracker she wonders how Jeremy is doing. They had seen him at last and the break in the case couldn’t have come at a better time. They had been dangerously close to giving up all hope. Therefore, they are putting in an extreme amount of hustle.

Mary knows that the other entities at play, will be making their play. She is determined to get to Jeremy before the game can be changed. Instinctively she knows they are running out of time. She can only hope Jeremy is still okay. Now they are only ten minutes away.


Dr. Hinkleman watches the guards strap Jeremy to the gurney. He will be unconscious for a while longer. The voltage from the taser was very effective. They are preparing to move now. They have been compromised. Thanks to the buffoon van driver, their operation is at risk of exposure.

As they wheel Jeremy out of the facility and into the waiting ambulance Dr. Hinkleman sends the message. The cleanup of the van and driver is also being completed now. Soon they would be back on track. And more importantly, back in the shadows.

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