Carnivore cuisine, stuffing or no stuffing?

Carnivore cuisine, stuffing or no stuffing?

Sometimes it’s all in the recipe! Other times it’s in the quality of the ingredients. With this in mind it might be a good time for a disclaimer. This article is about the carnivore. Or more specifically, the food of the carnivore!

Meat. The sustenance of the carnivore. The obsession of the grill master. A hearty superstar of every enjoyable plate of food! And sometimes the only thing on the plate! (Aside from steak sauce)

There are many different kinds of meat, and for the purposes of this article, (and in the opinion of the author) bug meat is not meat. If it’s not creating methane gas that is impacting the ozone layer, then it ain’t meat.

Carnivore Cuisine

With that being said, now the article can move in its natural direction. To stuff or not to stuff. That is the question. And the answer to the question is up to the carnivore. There are many good reasons to stuff an entree. Especially a large pork chop or chicken breast. Furthermore, the selection of ingredients that can be used for stuffing, are almost endless.

Additionally, a good reason for adding stuffing to a meat entree is the taste experience. Furthermore, add that to a satisfying meal, and now we’re cooking with gas! Or charcoal, for the old school grill master. Similarly the preparation of meat entrees is a personal experience. Every carnivore has a preference in what makes a good meat entree.

One possible combination for stuffing an entree is in the list that follows:

  • Meat – (chicken breast boneless skinless)
  • Different meat – (substitute larger pork chops)
  • (1) 14.5 oz. can Margaret Holmes Tomatoes & Okra
  • (1) box breaded stuffing mix any variety


Preparation is quick and easy. Additionally, it is important to follow all safety instructions for handling raw meat. With this in mind, preheating the oven to 400 degrees, or getting the grill fired up, is a good start.

Now it is time to stuff the meat. Carefully slice an opening, horizontally in the meat, to create a pocket. Next, place one tablespoon of dry stuffing mix, and two tablespoons of tomatoes and okra, into the sliced opening. The stuffing will imbibe the juices from the meat and the tomatoes, as the meat cooks.

Grilling or baking is a matter of preference. However, baking the entree, means less handling. Therefore this recipe is centered around baking. Cooking should continue until the internal temperature of the meat is 165 degrees. Therefore if pork or chicken is the entree of choice, a meat thermometer is a safe way to determine internal temps.

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