Health and wellness – A special focus on old doc

Health and wellness - A special focus on old doc

Health and wellness – A special focus on old doc

The old doc hobbles up the street with a sour look on his face. It’s the second time today someone has disturbed his studies. As he shuffles along, he wonders what it is this time. Couldn’t anyone in this old town make it a day without some kind of emergency? He grumbles under his breath and turns the corner. The old cowboy said the trouble was at the hotel. This wasn’t a surprise. The hotel was a dangerous place.

With this in mind the old doc looks around as he walks. The town appears to be deserted. That likely meant a shootout. Folks usually got scarce when the cow pokes came to town. Most of ’em were from the Ellis ranch. Every time they returned from a cattle drive, the first place they went, was the old town.

Health and Wellness – A Special Focus on old Doc

The old doc is nearing the hotel. He can see the sheriff and a few others gathered outside. Gathered around something. ‘Twas a shooting all right. Furthermore, if the sheriff was here, it must have been a draw down. The old doc hobbles up the street, and as he nears the small group, they all move back to give him some space. They all greet him, to which he grunts a howdy, in return.

Health and wellness - A special focus on old doc

Then he stoops down and examines the patient. However, there isn’t anything he can do. In fact there isn’t anything he can ever do, for one of these.

“Well?” the sheriff is unusually brusque today.

The old doc stands and replies, “Best get a box sheriff, this one’s done moved on”. The doc steps back a couple of feet and pulls off his glasses. He polishes them as he watches the sheriff instruct the deputy. Seems the old doc had been wrong. It wasn’t a showdown after all. It seems the sheriff is planning a posse, to go after the bad guy.

The Saloon

When the doc finishes cleaning his glasses he sets them back in place and turns to leave. However, he doesn’t make it one foot before the sheriff is asking him to go over to the saloon. Seems there is a problem over there too. Figures, the old doc thinks, and he starts off toward the saloon.

The saloon is on the other side of town. Therefore it takes the old doc a few minutes, before he is able to reach the saloon. Once there, he looks around for his patient. Then the bartender points to the chair over in the corner. A cowpoke sits slumped over, in the chair. As the doc walks toward him, he can’t see any movement. He grimaces, and he thinks there might be a need for two boxes today.

The Commercial

This is when the commercials began. The old doc would have to wait, while the station identified itself. Additionally the advertisers were about to get busy. In fact, the advertisements were largely about the most current treatments for modern day ailments. The contrasts in the timeline are extreme. For example, the old doc, in the town of yesteryear, was about to treat a patient. Depending on the year, the treatment could be worse than the condition.

In fact, most docs of the old days, were working with no knowledge of the true ailment of most patients. Furthermore, in those days, people tried to avoid the doc, at all costs. It was common knowledge, that things could get worse when the doc was called. It was a part of the early days of medicine. Likewise, in those days it was very rare for a doctor to have a degree. In anything.

Health and Wellness – A special focus on old doc

This particular show, about the old doc, is an old western movie. Many of the old westerns gloss over the challenges and conditions faced by the doctors of those times. However, a quick Google search, reveals some important context for those times. With this in mind, the old western movie, becomes even more interesting, when considered from the perspective of the old doc. So much so, that another article, is the only way to complete the story. To be continued.

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