Health and Wellness – Old Doc’s Hunch

Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness – Old Doc’s Hunch

The trip out to the Ellis ranch would take most of the afternoon. This meant the old doc would be staying the night. Somewhere. He might camp on the trail. Or he might stay at the Ellis ranch. It largely depended on what he found once he arrived. As his carriage eases down the dirt road, he thinks back to his younger days as an apprentice.

It was just ten years after the Treaty of Paris ended the war. He was a spry young lad, with big ideas about saving the world. He feels a twinge of nostalgia as he remembers the old Physician Marcus Chapman. The man had given him his start after all. For a decade thereafter, old doc had been a student of Marcus Chapman.

This had been very early in the first decade of 1800. Then, the old doc got a once in a lifetime chance to go to school in the capitol city. From there he had earned his doctorate. He was as idealistic then as when he was a young lad. His decision to practice medicine on the frontier had stunned many of his peers. However, the old doc wanted to be on the front lines of his chosen path. The frontier was just the place for it.

Health and WellnessOld Doc’s Hunch

The trail to the Ellis ranch ran through some rough country. It was not uncommon to encounter many perils along this trail. Old doc is rummaging through his lunch pail as his horse leads the carriage along. He’s still feeling sour about being disturbed so early this morning. There ought to be a law against early morning gunfights.

Health and Wellness

As he finds the boiled ham biscuits he packed, a voice startles him from his search. He looks up to find a couple of cow pokes coming alongside his carriage. Rough necks, he thinks, as he notices their side irons and beady eyes. They are not the sort one trifled with, out on the dusty trail.

“I said howdy stranger,” the one closest to doc speaks in a gruff voice,”What’s a matter old timer, you deef or somepin?” He looks mean as he rests his hand on his side iron.

Old Doc knows this sort. After all, he’s spent years removing lead from them, on a daily basis. He knows any sudden movements could be fatal. Additionally, he knows they are looking for any signs of weakness. They mean to rob him if’n they’re sure they can get away with it.

Old Doc’s Hunch

He decides to play along. Moreover, if he’s able, he can likely outsmart them. They were not without their own weaknesses. Furthermore, he needed to get to the Ellis ranch. Sooner rather than later. And he didn’t feel like walkin’ there. Therefore he pauses before answering. While he does, he looks them both over. In a thoughtful way. Neither was the sight of health and wellness.

“Howdy yurself cowpoke, I’m doc Williams from Bryorville, just beyond the hollar.” Then he fixes his eyes on the nearest cowpoke and stares. Waiting. Furthermore, he didn’t have to wait long. Because the first cowpoke gets right to it.

“Where you off to this afernoon, Doc Williams?” He spits large on the ground, and then grins a mostly toothless grin. Additionally, he unclasps his side iron.

Old Doc knows they are about to come to it, so he decides to lay it on thick. He had about one chance and he was going to make it as good as he could.

“Headed out to the Ellis ranch. Bunch a sick cowpokes out there. Had one keel over in town this mornin,’” he pauses for effect, then lowers his voice just a bit. “I suspect might be the plague, the spreadin’ kind…you boys feelin’ alright? Any chills or sick gut?”


He watches the color drain from the face of the first cowpoke. Likewise, the second one moves quickly away from old doc’s carriage. When the first cowpoke speaks again, he tips his hat to old doc as he does so. Additionally, he pulls his horse backward.

“No sir, we be just fine..we best be on our way Doc, we got works ta do elsewhere..” he prods his horse and they both quickly gallop away. Old doc watches them ride off. Then he fishes his biscuit from his lunch pail.

Next, he continues on to the Ellis ranch. That had been a close one, however he had only been telling the truth. Or at least what he feared, might be the truth.

Health and Wellness

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Health and Wellness – Old Doc’s Hunch

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