Holding out for the dessert tray

Holding out for the dessert tray

It’s that time of meal again. Dessert time. The meal has come to an end. Furthermore, it has been delicious. After what seems like forever, the dessert tray arrives. It is fantastic and shows that the wait can be worth it, sometimes.

With this in mind, the dessert tray is beautiful. There is every imaginable delicacy on this tray. (We are in a very real day dream) Furthermore, the tray is beckoning to be relieved of its contents. Slices of cake and pie, greet our eyes and there are even dishes featuring fruit. And whipped cream.

Holding out

Some of the freshly baked cobblers have a dollop of ice cream to create that a la mode delight! (The peach cobbler is looking delicious!) Therefore, it almost feels difficult to choose, because everything looks so good! If only the whole tray could be the choice!

In another story (possibly on this site) the whole tray is up for grabs. However, it is okay because in this example, anything can be selected from this lovely tray. Our imaginary dessert tray is for balancing a good meal. Therefore we are only focusing on feelings of joy. For example, the feeling of joy that chocolate doughnuts can bring.

Holding out for the dessert tray

Here, at the end of the meal, is an opportunity. A chance to bolster our energy reserves, and create an energy reserve the body can draw from, as we work. Or rest, or play. Additionally, dessert is sweetly exciting.

Dessert tray

The concept of dessert isn’t new. However, it isn’t ancient either. Its origins are from France, and can be traced back to the 1700’s, respectively. Some of the first uses of dessert, were to wash down the aftertastes of a large meal. With something sweet.

These days the dessert tray fills a more traditional role. Not only a traditional role, but also a professional role. It shows up at reunions, events and formal dinner parties. Many restaurants offer at least one dessert item on the menu as well. One thing is certain, it’s always worth holding out for the dessert tray!

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