How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

Eggs are a great source of protein. They are also excellent for breakfast. Additionally they are very versatile. Depending on the chef, it is possible to cook an egg in several different styles. For example, scrambled or fried, or poached, or even boiled. With an ingredient that is so versatile, it is a wonder the egg isn’t considered a super food.

With this in mind, it is then about which methods are best to prepare the egg for consumption. For example, a pot of boiling water, boiling an egg. Or a frying pan, frying an egg. Unless one is in the middle of an out of control heatwave. Then, things can get interesting. Is it possible to have a medium for preparing an egg that doesn’t require a griddle or pan?

How to Fry an Egg

Once upon a time, instead of the notorious heat index (It’s hot, but it feels much hotter, therefore it is.) fun experiments were the norm. The heat index deal is a fascinating addition to summertime. Most folks can agree that it is usually hot in the summertime. Back in the eighties, it was also hot in the summertime. So hot that it was possible to fry an egg on the sidewalk. That was the description of a hot day. It was funny.

How to fry an egg on the sidewalk

But was it actually hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk? According to Google it takes a one hundred and fifty eight degree surface, to cook an egg. Concrete is a poor conductor of heat. Furthermore, there are much better conductors of heat. The hood of a car for one. Now there’s a good spot to fry an egg. Even without the notorious heat index.

Don’t forget to add a little cooking oil, or some butter. It’s difficult to flip the egg otherwise. This leads to an important question. Why do we need to know how hot it feels? It is possible to walk outside and observe that it feels hotter than damnit. So why add some numbers to that feeling?

When it’s Hot it’s Hot

Perhaps it is for the effect. Predicting a ninety four degree day is boring. But with the heat index, it feels like one hundred and three. Now that’s alarming. Or something. The thermometer reads ninety four. But the real story is how hot it feels. Throw in some red splotches on a weather map, and it feels like the surface of the sun out there. Meanwhile that damn egg will not fry on that sidewalk.

And fortunately, neither will most shoes. With this in mind, it is possible to conclude that it gets hot in the summertime. Taking the appropriate precautions is always a best practice. Such as staying hydrated. And trying to avoid direct exposure to the heat, for extended periods of time. This is what shade trees do best. Along with releasing all that sweet oxygen, in exchange for carbon dioxide. However, that has little to do with how to fry an egg on the sidewalk. Thanks for reading.

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