Interactive health and wellness
This is another post about health and wellness. Nothing drastic like a call to action, or a new isometric exercise. However, it is interactive.
Once upon a time the doctor’s office was a potentially boring place to wait. Phones were still tethered to walls and TV’s were not flat by any means. Therefore, they were seldom in a doctor’s office.
There were chairs in the doctor’s office. Not only chairs but also a table or two. That comprised the waiting area for the doc. The wait time was still the same back then, as it is today. It doesn’t matter if the arrival time is an hour before the appointment time, there will still be a one hour wait.
Those days were the dark ages before super computers became pocket sized. Fortunately most doctor’s offices had the next best thing.
Magazines. Different kinds of magazines, which included famous titles like Life or People. They were there for waiting patients and family and helped to pass the time while waiting.
That is the purpose of the interactive booklet following this message. It expands on some health and wellness topics in an interactive way. The pages are interactive and full screen mode helps with zoom. It is a rough draft, and future booklets on this site will be more interactive. Thanks for reading today.