Tag: exercise

  • Exponentially vested Roger

    Exponentially vested Roger

    Exponentially vested Roger He isn’t much of a cook. In fact his skills in cooking are almost nonexistent. Therefore he orders take out. A lot. It isn’t unusual for him to spend hundreds of dollars in the grocery store. Only to have it shipped to another location. It’s a company thing. It’s about appearances. Furthermore,…

  • Bridges and Butterbeans

    Bridges and Butterbeans

    Bridges and Butterbeans Alex feels astounded by what he is witnessing. As he hurries along the valley floor he marvels at an entire world beneath the world. How has this come to be? He checks the screen again. Butterbeans isn’t much further away. With this in mind, he slows his pace just a fraction. The…

  • A helping basic burger recipe

    A helping basic burger recipe

    A helping basic burger recipe A basic idea with a basic recipe, that is also interchangeable. Between cheese and a tomato base, the recipe is adaptable to both meats and flavors. It’s possible to create several different versions of a one dish meal, with this recipe. Furthermore, it’s affordable, and quick and easy to make.…

  • New Digs – Exponentially vested

    New Digs – Exponentially vested

    New Digs – Exponentially vested Roger is waiting for the delivery people to arrive. He is sitting on the porch of the modest one story house. The afternoon is breezy and the temperatures are seasonal for the spring. He looks at his watch. They are late. Of course this isn’t his place. This is the…

  • Butterbeans and the water glass

    Butterbeans and the water glass

    Butterbeans and the water glass It had been a long day. Also it had been a long way down. Butterbeans races across the valley floor. She is eager for everyone to arrive. She is glad they will finally see. Furthermore they are not in any danger at the present time. Butterbeans knows the underground creatures,…

  • Flight of the Custodian

    Flight of the Custodian

    Flight of the Custodian Once upon a time, when it seemed as though the world was much smaller than it is now, changes could go unnoticed for decades. He had seen those decades pass. And he had waited and watched. The old library was much more than what it appeared. Furthermore, its appearance was not…

  • The Scene at the Elevator

    The Scene at the Elevator

    The Scene at the Elevator The washing machine was broken again. it was the third time this week, and that was three too many, as far as Jill was concerned. What good is something that must be fixed every other day? She dials the number to the superintendent’s office, and waits impatiently for an answer.…