The best evasive article about health and wellness

The best evasive article about health and wellness

Is it possible to be medically evasive? That is evasive not invasive. It is also possible someone is being discreet. Or private, with medical details. What if someone is uncertain about how to talk about things involving medical details.

Medical details are personal and usually private. Additionally, medico is a sensitive topic. However, this blog has a mission statement that is partially aligned with health and wellness. Also it has some cool stories, and the best ones can be downloaded for a small fee.

Now that the marketing has been handled for the day, the topic of this post can be revealed. Health and wellness. Not only health and wellness, but also shared experiences. There are many people who go day to day dealing with medical conditions. Perhaps you know someone who is dealing with a chronic condition and struggles through every day.

The evasive blog about health and wellness

In some cases it might be a sibling. Or a loved one that needs extra help. Whatever the condition, when it is a day to day struggle, it takes a special kind of person to endure the day to day battle.

With this in mind it is a good idea to offer the disclaimer that this blog does not give, offer, or suggest medical advice. It is hoped that by sharing experiences here, that others might benefit from what has been learned through experience.

The best evasive article about health and wellness

And now for the difficult part. I have to write a little about myself. It’s not as easy as all that. If you are reading this, and you’ve visited the social media for the frog journal, it’s probably clear there is still work to do. Furthermore, there is more organizing ahead for this site. With the hope of increasing its usefulness.

I have a personal interest in a blog about health and wellness. For one thing I am dad to four amazing and cherished kids. Additionally, I am a younger grandpa of seven grand kids. Ranging from toddler to high school.

Blog about health

Some of my little ones had medical conditions in childhood, they still deal with, in adulthood. For example, insulin dependent diabetes. Or, in a child’s case, juvenile diabetes. Having a four year old that has to monitor blood sugar levels constantly is rough. Particularly in the days when medico wasn’t as cool as it is now.

One of my little ones had a heart condition that warranted open heart surgery, just weeks after she was born. She was a miracle baby, and is an exceptional mom now. That’s the tip of the iceberg. However, it gives a basic idea about the health and wellness goals of this site. With that being said, comments and questions are more than welcome. It is the hope this site can become useful to anyone who visits.

Some future content will become subscriber only. Some stories will be available up to a certain chapter, and then be continued on the subscriber only tier. All articles about health and wellness and our recipe disasters, will always be free.

About health and wellness

Some of the stories are true and the monsters are real. The true stories found in the fiction part of the site, are unmarked. They are hard to find. However, if it feels like reality is twisting when one of the stories is read, I’m not surprised. My grandpa used to say, “you never know what’s in the box till you open it and look inside. ‘Till then, it could be anything”. Thanks for reading today.

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