The carnivore improved pocket chicken

pocket chicken

The carnivore improved pocket chicken

Having a go-to chicken snack, is a sweet thing. It is also a bonus when time is short. Especially when there are only a few options for food. Furthermore, recipes combining economy, with great taste, are automatic hits. If it has the right stuff for a carnivore craving, that is.

With this in mind, it is usually easy for the carnivore to improve a classic recipe. Simply add meat. And, the more meat, the better. In fact, the carnivore starts every meal with the meat first option. The food is always hot from the start when fresh from the grill.

All of this sounds extremely appetizing. However, there are occasions when the carnivore adds a twist. Or two. One of those twists is… that’s right, more meat! Furthermore, this version of pocket chicken, is an at home creation. It is also flexible. And it is super easy to add substitutes, or twists.

The carnivore improved pocket chicken

The first thing for this recipe is the ingredient list. And this version is very basic. It uses flour tortillas. However, there are versions with pie crust. Or a pizza dough. Think ~calzone or stromboli. Additionally, the chicken is pulled chicken breast. (It is also possible to use already prepared chicken such as KFC or similar.) The basic list is:

  • 2 lbs of boneless skinless chicken breast.
  • One package of large flour tortillas.
  • One can or jar of Alfredo sauce.
  • 8 oz of shredded mozzarella cheese.
  • One package of bacon.

Preparation time is ten minutes. After the chicken and bacon are cooked. Likewise, after the chicken is fully cooked, and cooled, it is pulled or shredded. Next, place in a medium sized mixing bowl. Then add the Alfredo sauce and mozzarella cheese. Mix with the chicken. Then dice the cooked bacon into bacon pieces, and add to the mix.

pocket chicken

This pocket chicken is served in several different ways. In fact, this version of the recipe is the basic make them quick version. (It gets everyone back outside quickly) Using one flour tortilla, layer it with the chicken, bacon, Alfredo sauce combination. Then add bacon. Next add a dash of mozzarella cheese and roll the tortilla.


Preparing the pocket chicken in different ways is also possible. The most basic is microwaving, after rolling the tortilla. In fact, this gets the food ready faster. Another method is baking the rolled pocket chicken. Bake until heated thoroughly. Covering the tortillas with aluminum foil, will keep them soft while baking. Additionally, the rolled tortillas can be served cold.

This preparation method is for a twist on the normal heated version. The key is refrigerate, after heating. After a couple of hours in the refrigerator, serve as a hearty snack. There is more than one way to prepare this recipe. Using the basic ingredients can yield a variety of combinations.

This recipe also qualifies for the finger food category. If the tortillas are rolled like a burrito, the delicious pocket chicken becomes portable. Talk about kid friendly. The carnivore improved pocket chicken is an easy, and hearty, snack. It is also versatile, and inexpensive. Thanks for reading today.

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