The health and wellness connection, revised?

The health and wellness connection, revised?

The health and wellness connection, revised?

Today we are taking it easy. There has been work, and all sorts of chores have been accomplished. Therefore, some Lego time, with favorite video shorts, is on the agenda. Having a day for recreation is a bonus. Especially considering the pace by which things can move these days. It is enough to cause an enormous amount of stress at times. Consequently, I can only imagine how it must feel for the little ones.

With this in mind, it can feel like a strange thing to get back to the basics. However, the basics are basic for a reason. With regard to health and wellness, keeping it simple, is an excellent place to start. This doesn’t have to be a disconnect point. In this article there are no diet recommendations, or exercise routines, to learn and phase in.

Indeed, this might be about as old school as it’s possible to get in html. However, it falls short of being an old gradpappy admonition of the ways of these days. In fact, I am a grandpappy, just not an old one. Furthermore, whether there is a need for admonition, is most likely a known, known, at this point. Anyone above the age of thirty knows this truth regardless of location.

The health and wellness connection, revised?

There is an old saying that reads, – ‘the more things change, the more they stay the same’. While this statement may seem, and sound, counter-intuitive, it’s actually wise. Although, when I was younger, it made no damn sense. Even now it needs context to bridge its implied abstract wisdom.

The health and wellness connection, revised?

One thing that hasn’t changed, is people still get sick. In various ways, and for various reasons. If you are a parent and you have a child with special needs this may have a deeper impact. One thing is certain, in this state of mind, one looks for cures. In my case, I have children that developed medical conditions at a young age and still bear them as adults.

This is why the word cure matters. Or it did. Once upon a time. Here is a good spot to declare my experience. My years and years of experience, caring for a child with severe medical conditions. This article is opinion, based on experience. Just one family experience. Through the years. It is possible to say that when little ones deal with health issues, particularly chronic ones, things like a cure, become a part of every dream. The hope for the cure never leaves.

As mentioned earlier, some conditions from youth are carried into adulthood. One goal of this site is to be a source of help, if possible. Particularly with regard to stress relief, and a fresh dose of no bullshit. Unless that’s the name of the story, which can happen on this site, because it is all about imagination. And imagination, is the greatest weapon of all, against despair, and the loss of hope.

Tell the Doc

This article also ties in with a previous subscriber article. To read that article click here. It does require a membership to the site. It is very easy to join and the monthly bill is not recurring. However, it is possible to subscribe again. On this site, one must remember to subscribe, not unsubscribe. This topic will expand in future articles with some helpful health tips, and more recipes. None of which will be medical advice. These articles are about this experience. Everyone’s journey is different. Furthermore, everyone reading this should consider consulting their doctor before starting things and doing things and putting things in your mouth. Thanks for reading today.

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