The New Dill Chicken Dill

The New Dill Chicken Dill

Chicken is delicious. Important disclaimer: this is an article with heavy focus on the carnivore point of view. As well as taste in food. Most carnivores will agree chicken is delicious. Even those who don’t believe chicken is delicious, agree that beef is delicious.

With this in mind it was time to try a new recipe. There was a rumor about pickles and chicken. This lead to a pickle experiment of such magnitude, that all future pickle operations, would reference it. Furthermore this would absolutely be ambitious.

This rumor is about using a dill pickle to make chicken taste as good as Chik-fil-A chicken. Then, excited daydreaming about the possibilities all the way home. Imagine, enjoying the delicious Chik-fil-A chicken, anytime!

New Dill

Not only is this a sweet dream, but also it turns out it doesn’t involve pickles. There are many recipes that include pickles with chicken. However it’s possible we put the cart before the horse on this one. There were pickles and chicken, but no recipe with the golden results.

The New Dill Chicken Dill

There is an actual Chik-fil-A twenty minutes away. So it was going to be okay. However, there was some truth to the dill pickle and chicken angle. As it turns out there are a lot of recipes that use dill pickles, and their juice, for marinades and seasonings.

By now, Google has been queried for some insight. It had been in this case as well. It looked like this:

Sodium chloride-rich pickle brine unravels the alpha helix of the chicken protein in a process called denaturing. What was once a tight, box spring-like coil is relaxed into something better resembling a fistful of al dente pasta..’ (source = google search on pickle juice and chicken breast)

Challenge Accepted! Oh, wait, nevermind. It’s easy to get carried away, when finding out cool things. Furthermore it appeared that there was some good info on Google. So, now we had chicken, pickles and Google. It was time to cook.

Chicken Dill

Through the magic of time lapse blogging, our experiment with the pickle juice marinade, already has results. It was definitely a good combination. The chicken absolutely finishes juicy and having imbibed the flavoring of the dill.

However. It was very basic, and we were not able to try any kind of breading. That is the next step. It will also be the continuation of this article. In the meantime we are going to get a good breading recipe together, and add it all in the blog. And a plate. Stay tuned! And thanks for reading today!

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