The new doctor search for health and wellness

new doctor search

The new doctor search for health and wellness

The search for a new doctor can be difficult. Actually it’s more difficult than saying the alphabet backwards. Furthermore, it’s usually somewhere around LMNOP that things get tricky. That is for the alphabet backwards trick. Going on a new doctor search is a pita. And pita is putting it mildly.

However, this isn’t a big article full of complaints. Health and wellness should be a part of everyday life. Similarly, healthcare costs, and procedures, and rules, keep things interesting. Or wrapped in red tape. And they are still trying to work out all the kinks and bugs.

In the meantime the kinks and bugs stay determined. So do the germs. Therefore, a new doctor search, is a given at some point. So why is it such a pain in the ass? (pita) Surely it isn’t only about the money. This is in reference to health care, in one place, in America. However, the problems encountered here seem to be everywhere. What ever happened to curing things anyway?

The New Doctor Search

Sometimes circumstances create a difficult situation. Furthermore, some circumstances are highly specialized. Therefore, it makes sense that a search for a specialized practitioner, would be challenging. However, impossible, shouldn’t be the norm. Not in a system that once set a worldwide standard for healthcare. However, that touches on another immense topic. One purpose of this article is to begin a discussion, or renew a direction, if possible.

new doctor search

With this in mind, any experience gained in a system that is already overburdened and poorly organized can be an asset. An asset for clearing hurdles when needed. Or an asset for timely care and dignified consideration. This isn’t even about the personal touch, or what was once referred to as a, bedside manner. That was once an important selling point for a doctor. A good bedside manner.

Healthcare, with its costs and the red tape of insurance. Add the extreme charges for money, and that’s all just part of the fun. Somewhere along the way someone gets poked with a regulation or a rule. The injection of rule and regulation based healthcare, is insufficient to stop some germs though. Those little buggers are determined to kick some ass. The germs, not the rules and regulations. The rules and regulations are determined to slow everything down. As well as prevent any real doctoring.

Health and Wellness

The tip of the iceberg. Furthermore, there are places where improvement could help. However, it takes more than just adding new rules. It starts at the top. And most things do. This article is the beginning of a series of articles about healthcare. Particularly in relation to health and wellness. Actual health, and wellness. Perhaps changes can be made if everyone works together. That is the hope. Stay tuned, and thanks for reading.

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