The temperance effect – Recovery
Jeremy carefully examines the room around him. The door is on the opposite wall. He gets up and crosses the room. There were additional locks on the door, however they were not engaged. He has the feeling, again, that there are cameras. Yet he is alone.
All of these thoughts are crossing his mind simultaneously. He feels a twinge of excitement with his thoughts being so connected. At least they are not a string of random, and half complete images. Furthermore, it has been a long time since he felt this alert.
He tries the doorknob. It turns easily in his hand. Then Jeremy opens the door slowly, and softly. The hallway beyond is empty and quiet. He steps out of the lab room and presses against the wall as he scans the hall. There are several doors along the hallway. Each direction appears to end in a set of stairs.
The temperance effect – Recovery
Having no memory of how he came to be in this place, he has no reference as to where in the building he is. Was he in the basement, or the tenth floor? With this in mind, he decides to go straight ahead to the nearest set of steps. He walks slowly and quietly. His heart hammering each time he passes one of the closed doors.
Not only does he want to find Dr. Hinkleman, but also he wants to flee. For the first time in over a year, he is thinking about his home. He remembers that he has one now. Consequently this on-rush of memories is disorienting. Additionally, not all the memories he is experiencing, belong to him.

As he reaches the end of the hall, it is becoming easier to resist the compulsion to seek out Dr. Hinkleman. He has a feeling of urgency, and he is gaining momentum in his thoughts. Therefore, his most pressing concern at the moment, is to escape.
The stairs below are empty and Jeremy begins his descent. With any luck he will pass by a window. Then he can orient himself better. The stairs end at the start of another hallway. This one is brightly lit and also has several doors along its path.
Jeremy walks slowly and quietly toward the far end of the hall. There is an exit door there. His heart races and his thoughts of home are brimming over in his mind. Therefore, he feels shaken when one of the closed doors opens, and Dr. Hinkleman steps out.
The Satellite Point
Mary turns on the lights in the small commercial space. Then she enters and holds the door for several of the staff. They will be conducting their work from here for the time being. It would be several days before the Fire Marshal could determine the cause for the fire at their main office. However, Mary was sure it would be some sort of foul play.
They needed to locate Jeremy. With this in mind, Mary feels determined to get the tracking software up and running first. When the van had been at the river, they had tagged it. This meant they could track it.
Mary had felt that their need to keep track of Jeremy was the priority. Furthermore if they could get a facial recognition match on the driver, they would double their chances of finding Jeremy.
She feels a sense of urgency now. They were no longer operating in the shadows unobserved. This meant Jeremy was in worse danger than before. Their time to intervene was becoming very short. She turns to the tracking software the technician is loading into the computers. It is time for search and rescue.
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