The unique challenge from the old family album

The highest challenge from the old family album

The unique challenge from the old family album

The first time I thought about, how to tell this story, I was unsure how it could be told. A long time ago, these days were on the horizon. However, that was a long time ago. Back then, it was a long time away. Therefore, it was easy to say we would find a way. Life looks different when there is more ahead, than behind.

With this in mind, back then, life was still young. The year was 1990. There were many things happening in those days. However, the advent of the world wide web and email, were creating a lot of interest. Information was still not readily available, and things like medical insights at one’s fingertips, were still a dream away.

The Unique challenge from the old family album

A better reference point might be the video game of the day. This was the top home console video game. Super Mario World . The game was brand new and playable on the state of the art, brand new, SNES gaming console. For those who were raising a family in those days, the home console was just beginning to shine.

This is where the story begins. Actually it began earlier, but this is where the relevance begins. The SNES. That one cool invention, which also became a source of sweet memories. In those days, having a gaming system at home, meant hours of entertainment, in front of the TV. Previously, one had to go to an arcade, to enjoy the gamer’s fever. Titles like PacMan and Donkey Kong were in the arcades. Just drop a quarter, and play as long as possible.

The old family album

More quarters, equaled more play time. So, the unskilled gamer, always paid more. This was the essence of the arcade days. Similarly, playing games at home, for free, was a hit from the start. Anyone who remembers playing games on an Atari, is likely a dinosaur, at this point. Or at least an older adult.

With this in mind, the little ones in those days, took to the SNES like ducks to June bugs. I know this is the case, because my little one, my son, was completely hooked on Super Mario World. He was four. Furthermore, he played the video game better than any of his elders, or his dad.


This journey down memory lane is purposeful. It compares the old days to these, more strange days. In the interest of health and wellness, this story is to give background. Another side of chronic medical conditions, and their impact. It is in story format, because it is in no way medical advice, or a recommendation of any kind. It is a first hand accounting of a journey. The hope is to share the triumphs and lessons along the way. It has always been an unusual way.

The highest challenge from the old family album

The beginning is with a cheerful, and happy, three year old that morphed into an angry and easily upset, four year old. It happened over the course of time, so it was not easy to detect at first. The unreasonable fits of anger and the tantrums were easily dismissed. The little one was having to adjust to a new member of the family. A sister. Temper tantrums and acting out were a part of it. However, it soon became evident these were not just acting out events.

After each tantrum, the little one (my son) was left emotionally upset and shaken from the extreme emotion. Something that seemed like a small thing to me, was devastating to him. And he was just a little guy. It didn’t take long before we ended up at the doctor. Something was wrong. And we needed to know what.

The Unique challenge from the old family album

This is where the story begins. It was Type one diabetes. From out of the blue. Furthermore, insulin was needed right away. And would be, from then on. Until there was a cure. However, that is getting ahead of the story, with all the talk of curing diabetes. Yet, in those days, there was a lot of talk about curing diabetes.

Additionally, all that talk was integrated into everyday life, such as donations for diabetes care and research. Diabetes awareness, and affordable insulin. The dream of non painful insulin delivery systems. As well as ways to check blood sugars, without drawing blood from the tip of a finger. All realities now with even more hopeful things on the horizon.


However, once upon a time it was considerably more difficult than it is now. In fact, in those days, many hadn’t heard of diabetes. Or, it was widely associated with the condition of the very old. In those days, juvenile diabetes, was still a very new term. Which makes all the preceding, a good start, for this story. It isn’t unique in its beginning. In fact, there were a lot of parents with little ones, who were going through the same thing, in those days.

Insulin dependent diabetes, is a difficult condition to manage, under the best of circumstances. This story will continue in future articles. Thanks for reading.

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